AWS Network Connectivity Options

This course is for individuals who seek knowledge of networking on Amazon Web Services (AWS) beyond the foundational level. You will learn about various connectivity options, including how to choose the best way to create a secure, scalable, and highly available network. You will analyze complex network design patterns and learn best practices that are ideal for your organization. •Course level: Intermediate •Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Activities: This course includes written material, video, and knowledge checks. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Identify a hybrid network cloud architecture to bridge the AWS Cloud with a traditional network infrastructure. •Create complex design patterns using AWS network components. •Predict the implications of choosing select AWS network connectivity options on a global network architecture. •Ensure network resiliency by understanding and applying high-availability architecture strategies. •Apply best practices using a knowledge of AWS network design patterns and architectures. Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Network engineers •Enterprise architects •Infrastructure architects •System Operators •Software engineers •Application architects Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have 2 years networking experience and 2–5 years AWS experience. In addition, attendees should have a working understanding of: •Business networking, including routing technology, IP addressing, and network security •Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) •Networking standards •Protocol standards •Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model •Network access control list (network ACL) •Switching protocols •Domain Name System (DNS) •Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) Course outline: Module 1: Understanding Connectivity Concepts: •Summarize multi-tier architecture, high availability, and hybrid networks at a basic level. •Describe benefits of multi-tier architecture and multiple virtual private clouds (VPCs). •Describe benefits of high availability in networking. •Describe benefits of a consistent high-performance network. Module 2: Understanding AWS Network Service Offerings: •Describe egress and ingress. •Describe benefits of select AWS network connectivity options including VPC endpoints, VPC peering, and AWS PrivateLink. •Describe benefits of AWS Direct Connect. •Describe benefits of AWS Site-to-Site VPN and AWS Client VPN. •Choose the correct network service for the given use case or scenario. Module 3: Exploring Design Patterns: •Understand design patterns and potential use cases. •Relate hub-and-spoke design patterns to applicable use cases. •Relate hybrid patterns to applicable use cases. •Relate hierarchical and modular patterns to applicable use cases. Module 4: Check Your Understanding: •Recall information from previous modules through interactive knowledge checks. Course Summary: • Summarize key networking concepts learned in this course. • Identify resources to further learning.

AWS DataSync Primer

AWS DataSync makes it simple and fast to move large amounts of data online between on-premises storage and AWS storage services. DataSync also allows you to transfer data between AWS storage services in the AWS Cloud. DataSync supports Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, FSx for Lustre, and Amazon FSx for OpenZFS AWS storage services. In this self-paced course, you learn how to get started with AWS DataSync. You discover its benefits, data transfer use cases, and explore how it works. You learn how to use AWS DataSync to transfer your data between your on-premises storage and AWS Cloud storage services, and between AWS Cloud storage services in the AWS Cloud. You learn how the DataSync service works and how to configure the service using the AWS Management Console. Video demonstrations walks you through deploying the DataSync agent, connecting an Amazon EC2 based NFS server, and transferring data to Amazon S3 to help you get started with using DataSync. • Course level: Intermediate • Duration: 1 Hour 5 Minutes Activities This course includes interactive lessons, demonstrations, and knowledge check questions. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Describe DataSync service and use cases. • Explain DataSync features and benefits. • Illustrate DataSync service architectures. • Explain DataSync service components. • Discuss the DataSync file transfer process. • Perform DataSync configuration using the AWS Management Console. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Cloud Architects • Storage Administrators • Storage Engineers • Operations Administrators Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: • General AWS knowledge (Cloud Practitioner Essentials) • Foundational knowledge of storage technologies Course outline Section 1: Overview • Lesson 1: How to Use This Course • Lesson 2: Course Overview Section 2: DataSync Introduction • Lesson 3: DataSync Service Overview • Lesson 4: DataSync Features and Benefits • Lesson 5: DataSync Use Cases Section 3: Understanding DataSync Service • Lesson 6: DataSync Terminology and Components • Lesson 7: DataSync Architecture • Lesson 8: DataSync Requirements • Lesson 9: DataSync Integration with Other AWS Services Section 4: DataSync Service Pricing • Lesson 10: DataSync Pricing Structure and Examples Section 5: DataSync Configuration Process • Lesson 11: Demonstration Section 6: Knowledge Check • Lesson 11: Knowledge Check Section 7: Additional Resources • Lesson 11: Additional Resources

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Storage Classes Deep Dive

We have updated this course on October 20th, 2022 to correct a problem that was impacting course completion. If you are enrolled in the course and have not completed it, your progress may be impacted. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Amazon S3 offers a range of storage classes for different use cases. Did you ever ask yourself what the differences are between the available storage classes in Amazon S3 and which storage class you should choose? In this course, you learn about the storage classes available in Amazon S3 and to recognize the similarities and differences amongst the storage classes. You also learn to identify the pricing dimensions associated with each storage class. Through comparing the storage class features and pricing dimensions you learn to identify the optimal storage class to use for your workloads. •Course level: Intermediate •Duration: 1 hour Activities: This course includes online materials and a knowledge check questions. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Describe Amazon S3 storage class characteristics and use cases •Compare and contrast Amazon S3 storage classes Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Cloud architects •Storage architects •Developers •Operations engineers Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Completed Getting Started with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) •Completed Getting Started with AWS Storage Course outline: Section 1: Overview •Lesson 1: How to Use This Course •Lesson 2: Course Introduction Section 2: Amazon Simple Storage Service Storage Classes •Lesson 3: Amazon S3 Storage Classes Section 3: Changing Data Storage Classes •Lesson 4: Storage Classes for Frequently Accessed Data •Lesson 5: Storage Classes for Infrequently Accessed Data •Lesson 6: Storage Classes for Unknown or Changing Access Section 4: Archival Storage Classes •Lesson 7: Storage Classes for Archiving Objects •Lesson 8: Amazon S3 Pricing •Lesson 9: Storage Class Performance Comparison Chart Section 5: Assessment •Lesson 10: Knowledge Check Questions Section 6: Feedback •Lesson 21: Feedback

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Primer

This course teaches you how Amazon FSx for Windows File Server can support your Windows-based applications and workloads. In this course, you learn about the benefits and use cases of FSx for Windows File Server. You explore the basics of configuring a file system. You also learn about the best practices to follow when administering your file systems. Finally, you review the cost model associated with using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. •Course level: Intermediate •Duration: 1 hour Activities: This course includes digital self-paced modules and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Describe FSx for Windows File Server use cases and benefits •Explain the pricing model for FSx for Windows File Server •Describe architecturally how FSx for Windows File Server works •Explain the requirements for using FSx for Windows File Server •Configure a FSx for Windows File Server file system •Describe the management features of FSx for Windows File Server Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Cloud architects •Operations engineers •Storage engineers •Windows File Server Adminstrators •Individuals interested in learning the fundamentals of FSx for Windows File Server Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •A general knowledge of the AWS Cloud, as covered in the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials digital course.   Course outline: Introduction to FSx for Windows File Server •FSx for Windows File Server overview and benefits •Practical use cases for FSx for Windows File Server •FSx for Windows File Server pricing structure and example FSx for Windows File Server technical overview •Fundamentals of FSx for Windows File Server •Migration options for FSx for Windows File Serve •Security overview of FSx for Windows File Server •Performance and scale of FSx for Windows File Server Deploying, monitoring, and managing FSx for Windows File Server •Deploying a file system •Demo: Create a file system and connect it to an Amazon EC2 instance •Monitoring FSx for Windows File Server •Demo: Monitor a file system using CloudWatch •Managing FSx for Windows File Server Knowledge Check

Amazon FSx for Lustre Primer

As a fully managed service, Amazon FSx for Lustre enables you to run high performance Lustre file systems for any workload where storage speed matters. Amazon FSx for Lustre is used for workloads such as machine learning, high performance computing (HPC), video processing, and financial modeling. In this self-paced course, you learn how to get started with Amazon FSx for Lustre. You discover its benefits, common use cases, how to set up Amazon FSx for Lustre, and how to monitor your file system. Video demonstrations guide you through creating and monitoring your Amazon FSx for Lustre file system. Finally, you review the cost model associated with using Amazon FSx for Lustre. • Course level: Intermediate • Duration: 1 Hour 40 Minutes Activities: This course includes reading modules and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: • List the key benefits of and use cases for FSx for Lustre • Describe the differences between using FSx for Lustre and a do-it-yourself (DIY) parallel file system • Explain the pricing model for FSx for Lustre • List the prerequisites for deploying FSx for Lustre • Set up the FSx for Lustre file system using the quick-start process • Describe and view the key metrics collected by Amazon CloudWatch Intended audience: This course is intended for: • Storage engineers • Cloud architects • Operations administrators • Systems administrators Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: • Completed Introduction to Amazon FSx for Lustre Course outline: Introduction to Amazon FSx for Lustre • Introduction to FSx for Lustre • Use cases • FSx for Lustre technical overview • Pricing model Deployment Considerations • Prerequisites for using FSx for Lustre • Security considerations Deploying Amazon FSx for Lustre • Demonstration: Deploying FSx for Lustre Monitoring Amazon FSx for Lustre • Monitoring an FSx for Lustre file system • Demonstration: Monitoring FSx for Lustre performance Knowledge Check • Knowledge check Resources, Survey, and Feedback • Additional resources • Thank you and feedback

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) Primer

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) provides a practical, serverless, set-and-forget elastic file system for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud services and on-premises resources. It is built to scale on demand to petabytes without disrupting applications. It grows and shrinks automatically as you add and remove files, eliminating the need to provision and manage capacity to accommodate growth. This course introduces you to the basics of file storage and the Amazon EFS service. You will learn what it is, how to get started, and how Amazon EFS integrates with other AWS services. You will also learn about the fully managed features of Amazon EFS such as availability, durability, and security. This course also introduces some of the primary use cases for Amazon EFS and their associated reference architectures. • Course level: Intermediate • Duration: 50 Minutes Activities: This course includes online materials, demonstrations, and knowledge check questions. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: • Recognize the different types of file storage. • Explain Amazon EFS features and benefits. • Create an Amazon EFS file system. • Summarize the relationship between Amazon EFS and other AWS services. • Identify how companies traditionally use Amazon EFS. Intended audience: This course is intended for: • Cloud architects • Storage administrators • Application developers • Data scientists Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: • General AWS knowledge (Cloud Practitioner Essentials) • Knowledge of EC2 and virtualization Course outline: Lesson 1: Course overview • How to use this course • Course overview Lesson 2: Introduction to file storage • File storage overview Lesson 3: Introduction to Amazon EFS • Amazon EFS features and benefits • Creating an Amazon EFS file system Lesson 4: Integration and use cases • Amazon EFS and related AWS services • Amazon EFS use cases Lesson 7: Conclusion • Resources • Feedback

Configure and Deploy AWS PrivateLink

In this course, you will configure and deploy Amazon PrivateLink using the AWS Console. There is a video tutorial that shows how to create VPC endpoint services with network load balancers and private DNS. You will learn to provide permissions to principals and how to accept connection requests. Pricing for the service is reviewed as well. •Course Level: Intermediate •Duration: 1 Hour 10 Minutes Activities: This course includes videos, knowledge checks and a demo. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Configure and deploy Amazon PrivateLink using the AWS •To create VPC endpoint services with network load balancers and private DNS •Learn to provide permissions to principals and how to accept connection requests •Explain AWS PrivateLink pricing Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Network engineers •System administrators •Cloud architects Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •A basic understanding of business networking including familiarity with network load balancers, private DNS and VPC end points  Course outline: •Module 1: What is AWS PrivateLink •AWS PrivateLink features and benefits •How it works •Use cases for AWS PrivateLink •Module 2: Why Choose AWS PrivateLink? •Compare and contrast AWS PrivateLink vs. traditional solutions •AWS PrivateLink highlights •Module 3: Using AWS PrivateLink •Configuring and Deploying AWS PrivateLink •Interface endpoint considerations •AWS PrivateLink pricing •Module 4: AWS PrivateLink for AWS Services Demo •Video: Create an EC2 VPC interface endpoint in AWS •Video: Create an S3 VPC gateway in AWS

AWS Managed Services (AMS): Accounts and Networking Overview

AWS Managed Services (AMS) operates Amazon Web Services (AWS) on behalf of customers. AMS provides a secure and compliant AWS Landing Zone, a proven enterprise operating model, ongoing cost optimization, and day-to-day infrastructure management. In this course, you will learn how accounts are structured in AMS. You will also see how AMS networking is architected. Intended Audience: This course is intended for: • Customers • Partners Course Objectives: In this course, you will learn how to: • Understand what makes up the AMS account structure • Architect the AMS network Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites: • Basic understanding of AWS concepts • Basic understanding of networking concepts, including routing and security Delivery Method: This course is delivered through a mix of: • Digital training • Video Duration: • 30 minutes Course Outline: This course covers the following concepts: • Accounts overview • Features of the multi-account landing zone • Accounts included in the multi-account landing zone • Networking overview • AWS Transit Gateway • Egress and ingress network traffic • Access to the AMS environment

Math for Machine Learning

To understand modern machine learning, you also need to understand vectors and matrices, linear algebra, probability theorems, univariate calculus, and multivariate calculus. This course, led by AWS Machine Learning Instructor Brent Werness, covers it all.

AWS DeepRacer: Driven by Reinforcement Learning

This course is designed to give you hands-on experience with reinforcement learning (RL) by helping you build, train and deploy models in AWS DeepRacer so you can compete in the official AWS DeepRacer League. The course starts off by orienting you to AWS DeepRacer before diving into RL. You’ll have several opportunities to build, train, and evaluate your own RL models, and then deploy them to the physical car. By the end of the course, you’ll have your own optimized RL model that you can enter into a virtual or physical circuit of the AWS DeepRacer League.

IoT Foundation: Telemetry

Billions of small, physical devices, such as sensors and actuators, are currently deployed in homes, factories, hospitals, and in other business use cases. This proliferation of devices requires solutions to connect, collect, store, and analyze the data that these devices generate. By using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Internet of Things (IoT), you can build IoT solutions for most use cases across a wide range of devices. Being able to build and administer an IoT infrastructure is quickly becoming the skill set of the future. In IoT Foundation: Telemetry, the first course in the [IoT Foundation Series], you will learn the basic building blocks of an AWS IoT infrastructure. Through the use of a real-world scenario, you will create an IoT device, set up communications, and transform the data from your device. You will create rules to process and move the device data into other AWS services. You will then use analytics to visualize and present your results. You will learn AWS IoT terminology, concepts, and AWS IoT services through interactive exercises and demonstrations while you build a foundational knowledge of IoT topics and protocols. Through this course, you build your skills to successfully engage with IoT as a solution and progress to the more advanced Foundation Series courses. •Course level: Intermediate •Duration: 2.5 hours Activities: This course includes the presentation of information, videos, and assessments. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Register a sensor within AWS IoT Core •Customize an AWS IoT policy to the sensor •Establish communication with the sensor •Collect data from the sensor •Redirect the data using AWS IoT rules •Visualize the data using AWS IoT Analytics and Amazon QuickSight Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Architects •Data engineers •Developers Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: • [Getting Started with AWS IoT] ( •A basic knowledge of the AWS Management Console Course outline: Module 1: Introduction •Introduction to Foundation Series: Telemetry •IoT Foundation Series •The Telemetry Scenario •Business Outcome Module 2: AWS IoT Core Services •Overview of AWS IoT Core •Things and Devices •Connecting to AWS IoT Core •Demo: Create a Thing Module 3: Device Security •Device Security •AWS IoT Policies •Auditing Devices •Demo: Applying Security Module 4: Message Broker and Registry •Message Broker •AWS IoT Registry •Demo: Testing Communication Connection Module 5: AWS IoT Rules •Completed Business Objectives •Rules Overview •Demo: Applying Rules Module 6: Presenting the Data •AWS IoT Analytics •Demo: Visualizing the Data Module 7: Best Practices •Best Practices for AWS IoT

IoT Microcontrollers: Onboarding a Raspberry Pi Using AWS Greengrass

This course provides a walkthrough of setting up Greengrass core on a Raspberry Pi. You will learn how to onboard a Greengrass core device and how to create the first deployment. You will also discover how to deploy AWS public components to run on Raspberry Pi acting as an edge server. •Course level: Intermediate •Duration: 60 minutes Activities: This course includes demonstrations and videos. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Onboard a Greengrass core device. •Create a deployment. •Use AWS IoT Greengrass component logs to monitor and debug your deployments. Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Fleet managers •Device engineers Prerequisites: We recommend that you have taken: •IoT Foundation: Telemetry •IoT Foundation: Command and Control •IoT Edge Computing: AWS IoT Greengrass Primer Course outline: •Connect a Raspberry Pi to Your Network •Set up Raspberry Pi as an AWS IoT Greengrass Core Device •Create Your First Deployment •Monitor and Debug Your Deployments