AWS Security – Encryption Fundamentals

Course description   In this course, you will learn about AWS offerings designed to facilitate the practice of encryption throughout your data’s AWS cloud lifecycle. You will also have the option to review encryption concepts, and practice selecting AWS offerings to meet common encryption needs.   Course level: Fundamental Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes   […]

AWS Wickr Getting Started

Course description This course provides an overview of AWS Wickr. You will learn about use cases and accreditations. You will also learn how to create a Wickr network from the AWS Management Console. This course is not intended to cover features in depth. It facilitates basic onboarding to Wickr for initial use. It also provides […]

Amazon Inspector – Getting Started

Amazon Inspector is an automated vulnerability management service that continually scans AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. In this “Getting Started” course, you will learn about the purpose, benefits, architecture, pricing philosophy, and common use cases of Amazon Inspector. The course also explores how the service is implemented in an AWS environment with demonstration of basic setup and usage of the service. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 60 minutes Activities This course includes presentations, diagrams, and a step-by-step tutorial. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Describe the basic concepts of Amazon Inspector. • Describe the typical use cases and architectures associated with an Amazon Inspector solution. • Recognize the benefits and understand the problem Amazon Inspector can solve. • Specify what it would take to implement Amazon Inspector in a real-world scenario while implementing a demonstration of Amazon Inspector in the AWS Management Console. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Security engineers, architects, security architects, security DevOps, IT Operations • IT consultants designing, architecting, and maintaining applications and solutions to run securely in the AWS Cloud Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: • Completed the AWS Security Fundamentals Second Edition digital course on AWS Skill Builder. Course outline Module 1: Introduction • Introduction to Amazon Inspector • Architecture and Use Cases Module 2: Using Amazon Inspector • How Do I Activate Amazon Inspector in the AWS Management Console? • How Do I Learn the Amazon Inspector Dashboard Components? • How Do I Assess Amazon Inspector Coverage of My AWS Environment? • How Do I Understand Findings in Amazon Inspector? • How Do I Manage Findings in Amazon Inspector? • How Do I Tear Down Amazon Inspector?

Amazon Macie – Getting Started

Amazon Macie is a data security service that uses machine learning (ML) and pattern matching to discover and help protect your sensitive data. Macie provides visibility into data security risks and supports automated protection against those risks. This fundamental course will help you understand key concepts, use cases, and architecture. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 60 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, demonstrations, videos, and assessments. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Understand the fundamentals of Macie •Identify common use cases •Understand how Amazon Macie works at an architectural level Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Security engineers, security analysts, security operations, and security DevOps. Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •A fundamental understanding of the AWS Cloud and the security services available to secure your cloud. •Completed the AWS Security Fundamentals Second Edition digital course on AWS Skill Builder. Course outline: Module 1: Introduction to Amazon Macie •Benefits of Amazon Macie •Demo – Activating your Amazon Macie Account •Demo – Loading data into Amazon S3 •Demo – Checking Amazon Macie Costs Module 2: Amazon Macie Architecture •Architecting solutions overview with S3 and Security Hub Module 3: Amazon Macie Use Cases •Discover sensitive data for compliance •Protect sensitive data during migration •Increase visibility for business-critical data •Demo – Creating a Data Discovery Job with Amazon Macie •Demo – Activating Automated Sensitive Data Discovery •Demo – Exploring Sample Findings with Macie

Threat Modeling the Right Way for Builders Workshop

This workshop introduces you to some of the background of threat modeling and why to do it, as well as some of the tools and techniques for modeling systems, identifying threats, and selecting mitigations. The workshop guides you through the process of creating a system model and corresponding threat model. Then you assess the usefulness of these models. Each exercise has step-by-step instructions and you can use the associated participant workbook as you progress through the workshop. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 3 hours Activities: This course includes information presentations, interactive elements, and hands-on exercises. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn: •What threat modeling is and why it is useful •How to model a system using a data flow diagram •How to use a data flow diagram to find useful threats to a system •How to identify mitigations for threats and how to choose between them •How to evaluate the effectiveness of your models Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Software Developers •Product Managers •Systems Engineers •Architects Prerequisites: None Course outline: Module 1: Introduction •Workshop introduction •Workshop overview •Introduction to threat modeling Module 2: What are we working on? •What are we working on? •Exercise 1 Module 3: What can go wrong? •What can go wrong? •Exercise 2 Module 4: What are we going to do about it? •What are we going to do about it? •Exercise 3 Module 5: Did we do a good enough job? •Did we do a good enough job? •Exercise 4 Module 6: Conclusion •Resources •Feedback