Introduction to AWS Elemental MediaConnect

Course description This course is an overview of the AWS Elemental MediaConnect service. MediaConnect is a live video transport service used by broadcasters, streaming services, online video platforms, professional sports leagues, and other companies in the media and entertainment industry. You will learn how to connect to a live video stream and share that stream with other services and users in a video workflow. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 45 minutes Activities This course includes three step-by-step demonstrations of the basic functions of MediaConnect. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Describe the function and components of MediaConnect • List the benefits of MediaConnect • Create a MediaConnect flow, the fundamental component • Output a video stream to another user or service • Share video content with multiple entities inside and outside of the AWS Cloud Intended audience This course is intended for: • Media and entertainment industry solution architects • Live video streaming engineers • Live video streaming operators Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have a basic understanding of video streaming terminology and concepts. Course outline Course Navigation Introduction • Introduction video • What is MediaConnect? • What are the benefits of MediaConnect? • Description of demonstrations included in the course Task 1: Creating a Flow and Adding an Output • Creating a Flow and Adding an Output video • What is a flow? • What is an output? • Typical workflow Task 2: Granting an Entitlement • Granting an Entitlement video • What is an Entitlement? • What are the benefits of entitlements? Task 3: Subscribing to Shared Content • Subscribing to Shared Content video • How to subscribe to shared content Quiz: Five question assessment Conclusion: Resources

Video Streaming Concepts: AWS Media Services

A foundational course providing essential information to learners on how video content is streamed over the internet and how the content provider and viewer who consumes the content, link together in cloud-based media workflows. It will explain some of the terminology and important concepts of video technology to help you understand the processes involved in getting content from its source to the viewer’s screen. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 60 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, videos, and assessments. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Describe how video is streamed over the internet and the key stages involved in most cloud-based media workflows. •Define the key attributes used to describe video: resolution, frame rate, and bitrate. •Explain how bit depth and color space work to apply color information to an image. •Describe how compression schemes, codecs, and containers work together to efficiently store and stream video across a network. •Describe how group of pictures (GOP) encoding works to compress video streams. •Describe how the challenges of multiscreen delivery are solved by adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming and just-in-time packaging. •Describe the fundamentals of insertion and replacement of video advertising. •Describe the main actors and processes involved in a generic digital rights management (DRM) workflow. •Describe how content delivery networks function to replicate and store video files in the most bandwidth-efficient locations.   Intended audience: This course is intended for anyone who creates video as their business, or who use video to augment their business. Prerequisites: None Course outline: Module 1: Introduction • About This Course • Video Streaming: The Big Picture Module 2: Key Video Attributes • Resolution, Frame Rate, and Bitrate • Bit Depth and Color Space Module 3: Video Compression, Codecs, and Containers • Video Compression • Codecs and Containers • Group of Pictures (GOP) Encoding Module 4: Video Packaging, Origination, and Delivery • Challenges of Multiscreen Delivery • Ad Insertion and Replacement • Digital Rights Management (DRM) • Content Delivery Networks

Media Glossary

This is a foundations level digital glossary of essential terms and concepts fundamental to video compression, processing and delivery. It can be used as a standalone resource or a companion resource for other Media Services training.

Introduction to AWS Media Services by Use Case

Streaming video over the internet has become increasingly important, both for companies whose main business is video, and for other organizations who want to use video to enhance or improve their businesses and services. AWS Media Services make cloud-based video workflows feasible and affordable for organizations of all sizes, across a wide range of industries. But getting started can be challenging—there are many variations in workflows, numerous variables to consider, and new technical skills required. This course will help you sort this out. Using representative real-world examples this course introduces Media Services, explains what they do, and demonstrates which ones would work best for your business needs. The course points you toward the best next steps. After you have completed this course, we provide resources to help guide you to the next right step in your journey. These resources can help you design and build a system. Or, you can engage with an AWS partner or expert for a turnkey solution •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 60 minutes Activities This course includes self-paced modules Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: •Describe the key stages of cloud-based video streaming workflows. •Describe the main functions and advantages of AWS Media Services. •Recognize readiness factors and requirements that can impact workflow design decisions. •Describe cost optimization, performance monitoring, and well-architected options. •Identify AWS customer enablement options and AWS Partners. •Evaluate which Media Services are most appropriate for different solution types and use cases. Intended audience This course is intended for: •Organizations for whom video is the key part of their business •Organizations using video to augment or enhance their business •Companies evaluating AWS Media Services for their video streaming needs Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have familiarity with basic video streaming concepts. Course outline Module 1: Introduction to Video Streaming on AWS Lesson 1: Introduction •Types of video streaming •Video streaming solution types Lesson 2: Your Readiness Factors •Six readiness factors •Example readiness assessments Lesson 3: Video Streaming Workflow •Overview of the four stages •AWS services for each stage AWS SERVICES FOR EACH STAGE Lesson 4: Stage 1: Ingest •List of AWS services used in the ingest workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service Lesson 5: Stage 2: Process •List of AWS services used in the process workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service Lesson 6: Stage 3: Store •List of AWS services used in the store workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service Lesson 7: Stage 4: Deliver •List of AWS services used in the deliver workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND SUPPORT Lesson 8: Enhancements •Cost optimization and performance monitoring •Analytics and Machine Learning (ML) Lesson 9: Streaming Media Lens •Streaming media lens •Pillars of the Well-Architected Framework Lesson 10: AWS Customer Enablement •AWS customer enablement services •AWS support plans •Elemental on-premises appliance support •AWS Elemental Media Event Management Lesson 11: AWS Partners •Finding a media and entertainment partner Module 2: Video Streaming on AWS: Examples CUSTOMER EXAMPLES Lesson 1: Basic Live Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Addressing new requirements •Restricting access to specific content •Generating revenue with personalized ads Lesson 2: Large Live Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Restricting access to specific content Lesson 3: Channel Playout and Origination Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services Lesson 4: Basic VOD Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Building a searchable video solution Lesson 5: Large VOD Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Automating workflows Lesson 6: Live-to-VOD Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services

AWS Elemental Statmux

This course provides an overview of the features and functions of AWS Elemental Statmux, a technology used to efficiently combine (or multiplex) multiple encoded video channels (or programs) into a single Multi-Program Transport Stream (MPTS) for delivery over fixed bandwidth infrastructures such as satellite, cable, and terrestrial networks. In this training you will learn how to configure, operate, and monitor statmux workflows using AWS Elemental Conductor, AWS Elemental Live, and AWS Elemental Statmux appliances. •Course level: Intermediate •Duration: 60 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, videos, knowledge checks, and a final assessment. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Explain how AWS Elemental Statmux Multi-Program Transport Stream (MPTS) works to deliver video over fixed bandwidth infrastructures such as satellite, cable, and terrestrial networks. •Describe the functions and components of statmux workflows. •Configure single program transport streams (SPTS) in AWS Elemental Conductor. •Configure multiple program transport streams (MPTS) outputs in AWS Elemental Conductor. •Start and run an MPTS output in AWS Elemental Conductor. Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Video operators / video technicians •System engineers •Anyone that wants to learn the features and functions of AWS Elemental Statmux Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Completed AWS Elemental Live Foundations •Completed AWS Elemental Live Advanced •Completed AWS Elemental Conductor •Advanced understanding of AWS Elemental Live and video terminology Course outline: •Introduction •What is Statistical Multiplexing? •Building a Statmux Workflow: Network Settings and Redundancy •Building a Statmux Workflow: Configuring and Running •Managing a Statmux Workflow •Recap and Review •Test Your Understanding •Next Steps

AWS Elemental Live – Foundations

This training provides an overview of the fundamental functions of AWS Elemental Live, an on-premises appliance used for broadcast television and for streaming to internet-connected devices. The course focuses on key operational aspects of streaming to internet-connected devices. It includes a tour of the key elements of the user interface and a demonstration of the steps to create a simple live event. It also outlines the basic steps to monitor and maintain the system as well as troubleshooting common system issues. •Course Level: Foundational •Duration: 2 Hours Activities: This training includes presentations, videos, knowledge checks, and assessments. Learning objectives: In this training, you will learn to: •Describe how AWS Elemental Live fits into the video compression process. •List common use cases for AWS Elemental Live. •Navigate key sections of the UI. •Create a simple live event. •Investigate system logs, alerts and messages in AWS Elemental Live •Describe the basic triage steps to resolve common system issues. •Conduct basic maintenance: configuring, reinstalling, and kickstarting (building a system from bare-metal hardware). Intended audience: This training is intended for: •Video operators / video technicians •System engineers •Anyone that wants to learn the basics of AWS Elemental Live. Prerequisites: We recommend learners complete the following optional digital training: •Video Streaming Concepts: AWS Media Services •Media Glossary Content outline: Module 1: Introduction to AWS Elemental Live •Introduction •What is AWS Elemental Live? •Problems that AWS Elemental Live Solves •User Interface Tour •Creating a Simple Event •Recap and Review •Test Your Understanding •Next Steps Module 2: AWS Elemental Live: Basic Setup, Monitoring, and Maintenance •Introduction •Notifications and Direct Monitoring •AWS Elemental Live Logs •Troubleshooting Common System Issues •Maintenance Basics •Recap and Review •Test Your Understanding •Next Steps •Further Resources in the AWS Elemental Support Center

AWS Elemental Link – Getting Started

In this course, you will learn how to get started streaming live video using an AWS Elemental Link device. You will see how to order a Link device, set up Link, and how to build an end-to-end live video streaming workflow to AWS Elemental MediaLive. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 20 minutes Activities: This course includes a video demonstration. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Create an AWS account •Order an AWS Elemental Link device •Set up a Link device •Build live video workflow with AWS Media Services and Amazon CloudFront Intended audience: This course is intended for: •New and experienced media operators •Anyone who wants an understanding of the AWS Elemental Link device Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •None Course outline: Module 1: Overview of AWS Elemental Link •The AWS Elemental Link Device •Device Specifications Module 2: Getting Started with AWS Elemental Link •Video Demonstration •Learn More About Link