Getting Started with AWS for Games – Part I

This getting started course was designed to introduce game developers to the principles and best practices for hosting their game in the AWS Cloud. The Part I course will explore the emergence of online gameplay and cloud hosting. It will also examine solution design patterns for core game functions, including game server hosting. You will be introduced to some of the options available in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) game services portfolio. You will learn about design considerations that will help decide which options best meet your game’s needs. •Course level: Foundational •Duration: 55 Minutes Activities: This course includes videos, practice exercises, knowledge checks, and a final assessment. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Describe the evolution of Game Tech and the drivers moving games to the cloud. •Recognize cloud architectural solution patterns for core game functions. •Differentiate managed and unmanaged services in the AWS services portfolio. •Identify design considerations for cloud game architectures, and determine which AWS services best fit a given use case. •Locate additional information, tools, and resources. This course is intended for Game Builders including: •Game Designers •Game Developers •Game Producers •Game Artists •Game Administrators Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Foundational understanding of cloud computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS) equivalent to Cloud Practitioner Essentials or Technical Essentials. •Familiarity with principles of game development and operations. Course outline: Lesson 1: Course Overview •Introduction Lesson 2–3: The Evolution of Game Tech •Player experience •Game hosting models Lesson 4–6: Core Game Functions •The art of what’s possible •Core game functions •Service level options Lesson 7–10: Game Servers •Game servers in the cloud •Virtual servers •Container solutions •Fully managed servers Lesson 11: How to Decide •Decision tree, job aid, questions to ask Lesson 12: Practice Scenarios •Three practice scenarios Lesson 13: Summary •Course content review Lesson 14: Next steps •Where to go to learn more •Additional resources Course Assessment •End of course­­ assessment

Getting Started with AWS for Games – Part II

This course is designed to introduce game developers to the principles and best practices for hosting their game in the AWS Cloud. The course has two parts. In Part II, you will learn about game backends and how they work in the cloud. You will identify benefits, challenges, and considerations for designing game backends in the AWS Cloud. You will review a sample game backend architecture and identify the AWS services that can be used in each component. You will examine the Game Analytics Pipeline solution and how analytics can benefit game development. Next, you will explore tools for monitoring and observing your game. Finally, you will identify three tools to help you manage your game’s infrastructure costs. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes videos, practice exercises, knowledge checks, and a final assessment. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Recognize cloud architectural solution patterns for game backends and analytics. •Identify design considerations for game backend components and analytics, and determine which AWS services best fit a given use case. •Explore the AWS services for monitoring and observing your game. •Identify three AWS cost management tools to budget and forecast your game’s infrastructure costs. •Locate additional information, tools, and resources. Intended audience: This course is intended for game builders, including: •Game designers •Game developers •Game producers •Game artists •Game administrators Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have the following experience: •Completed Getting Started with AWS for Games – Part I course •A foundational understanding of cloud computing and the equivalent to AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials or AWS Technical Essentials course •Familiarity with principles of game development and operations Course outline: Lesson 1-2: Course Overview •How to use this course •Introduction Lesson 3-5: Game Components •Game backends in the cloud •Game backend components •Game analytics Lesson 6-8: Game Monitoring and Cost Management •Monitoring and Observability •Managing Game Infrastructure Costs •Practice scenarios Lesson 9-11: Next Steps •Summary •Next Steps •Course Assessment

Detect Anomalies in Game Transactions with ML and Sagemaker

Game studios that are building and operating multiple games tend to redo much of the server-side validation of transactional data received from game clients. This course covers the use of a central model (or multiple models per game) for offloading server processing and improving server response time. The course reviews the different anomalies associated with game transaction data and how machine learning (ML) can help perform validations. Course objectives: This course is designed to teach you how to: •Understand game transactions and associated data •Recognize anomalies in game transactions •Review example game report data •Understand machine learning architecture for performing validations Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Game developers •Data analysts who work with game transactions Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Understanding of basic gaming concepts •Basic understanding of machine learning Course outline:: •Game transactions •Anomalies •Game report data •How can ML help •Demo