AWS Technical Essentials (Arabic)

تقدم لك AWS Technical Essentials خدمات AWS الأساسية والحلول المشتركة. تغطي هذه الدورة مفاهيم AWS الأساسية المتعلقة بالحوسبة وقاعدة البيانات والتخزين والاتصال الشبكي والعلاقات والمراقبة والأمان. ستبدأ العمل في AWS من خلال تجارب الدورة التدريبية العملية. تغطي الدورة المفاهيم اللازمة لزيادة فهمك لخدمات AWS، بحيث يمكنك اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن الحلول التي تلبي متطلبات العمل. خلال الدورة التدريبية، ستحصل على معلومات حول كيفية إنشاء حلول سحابية متاحة بدرجة عالية ومتسامحة مع الأخطاء وقابلة للتطوير وفعالة من حيث التكلفة ومقارنتها وتطبيقها. مستوى الدورة التدريبية: أساسية المدة: 4 ساعات الأنشطة تتضمن هذه الدورة العروض التقديمية والعروض التوضيحية ومقاطع الفيديو وفحوصات المعرفة والتقييم. أهداف الدورة ستتعلم في هذه الدورة التدريبية ما يلي: وصف المصطلحات والمفاهيم المتعلقة بخدمات AWS الانتقال إلى وحدة التحكم في الإدارة في AWS توضيح المفاهيم الأساسية لمقاييس أمان AWS وAWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) التمييز بين العديد من خدمات حوسبة AWS، بما فيها Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) وAWS Lambda وAmazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) وخدمة Amazon Elastic Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) فهم قاعدة بيانات AWS وعروض التخزين، بما فيها Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) وAmazon DynamoDB وAmazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) استكشاف خدمات الاتصال الشبكي في AWS الوصول إلى ميزات مراقبة Amazon CloudWatch وتكوينها الجمهور المستهدف تستهدف هذه الدورة ما يلي: الأفراد المسؤولين عن توضيح الفوائد الفنية لخدمات AWS بالنسبة إلى العملاء الأفراد المهتمين بتعلم كيفية البدء باستخدام AWS مسؤولي SysOps تصميمات الحلول المطورون المتطلبات الأساسية نوصي الحاضرين في هذه الدورة بأن يكون لديهم: خبرة في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات المعرفة الأساسية بهياكل ومكونات مركز البيانات الشائعة (الخوادم، والاتصال الشبكي، وقواعد البيانات، والتطبيقات، وما إلى ذلك) لا يلزم وجود خبرة سابقة في الحوسبة السحابية أو AWS مخطط الدورة التدريبية مقدمة إلى الدورة التدريبية الوحدة 1: مقدمة إلى Amazon Web Services مقدمة عن AWS Cloud الأمان في AWS Cloud استضافة تطبيق دليل الموظف في AWS عرض توضيحي: مقدمة إلى AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) الوحدة 2: AWS Compute الحوسبة كخدمة في AWS مقدمة إلى Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud دورة حياة مثيل Amazon EC2 خدمات حاويات AWS ما المقصود بالخدمات دون خادم؟ مقدمة حول AWS Lambda اختيار خدمة الحوسبة الصحيحة عرض توضيحي: إطلاق تطبيق دليل الموظفين على Amazon EC2 الوحدة 3: الاتصال الشبكي في AWS الاتصال الشبكي في AWS مقدمة إلى Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) توجيه Amazon VPC أمان Amazon VPC عرض توضيحي: إنشاء VPC وإعادة إطلاق تطبيق دليل الشركة في Amazon EC2 الوحدة 4: تخزين AWS أنواع تخزين AWS تخزين مثيل Amazon EC2 وAmazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) تخزين العناصر مع Amazon S3 اختيار خدمة التخزين المناسبة عرض توضيحي: إنشاء Amazon S3 Bucket الوحدة 5: قواعد البيانات استكشاف قواعد البيانات في AWS Amazon Relational Database Service قواعد البيانات المبنية لغرض محدد مقدمة إلى Amazon DynamoDB اختيار خدمة قاعدة بيانات AWS الصحيحة عرض توضيحي: تنفيذ Amazon DynamoDB وإدارتها الوحدة 6: المراقبة والتحسين والخدمات دون خادم المراقبة التحسين هندسة تطبيقات دليل الموظف البديلة دون خادم عرض توضيحي: تكوين التوافر العالي لتطبيقك الوحدة 7: ملخص الدورة التدريبية الوحدة 8: تقييم نهاية الدورة التدريبية

AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Managing Services

By the end of this course, you will be able to manage your AWS Free Tier services when approaching usage limits and develop the ability to select your transition path out of AWS Free Tier. You will also be able to make informed decisions when choosing to either terminate a service or continue using a service and transition to a paid tier. For foundational knowledge about AWS Free Tier, register for the AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Offerings and AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Monitoring Services courses. For more information about cloud economic principles, register for the Introduction to AWS Billing and Cost Management course. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 10 minutes Activities This course includes demonstrations, videos, and reading text. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Manage your AWS Free Tier services when approaching usage limits. • Select a transition path out of AWS Free Tier. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Business Cloud Professionals who are cost-conscious and are early in their AWS journey. Prerequisites N/A Course outline Introduction to Managing Your AWS Free Tier Services • How to manage your AWS Free Tier services • Verify your AWS Services Free Tier eligibility • View active AWS resources • Terminate active AWS resources • Transition from free to paid services • AWS pricing models • AWS Pricing Calculator • Cost Explorer • Thank You and Feedback

AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Offerings

With AWS Free Tier, customers can explore and try out Amazon Web Services (AWS) services free of charge up to specified limits for applicable services. By the end of this course, you will be able to differentiate between the AWS Free Tier offerings and know how to locate offers. You will also be able to identify offer details and usage limits. For foundational knowledge about AWS Free Tier, register for the AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Monitoring Services and AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Managing Services courses. For more information about cloud economic principles, register for Introduction to AWS Billing and Cost Management. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 10 minutes Activities This course includes demonstrations, videos, and reading text. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Differentiate between the AWS Free Tier offerings by knowing how to identify service details and usage limits. Intended audience This course is intended for Business Cloud Professionals who are cost-conscious and are early in their AWS journey. Prerequisites N/A Course outline • What is AWS Free Tier? • Types of AWS Free Tier offerings • Who qualifies for AWS Free Tier • AWS Free Tier use cases • Get started with AWS Free Tier eligible offers • Determine AWS Free Tier eligibility • Summary • Thank You and Feedback

AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Monitoring Services

This course introduces tools to monitor your AWS Free Tier services to stay within your usage limits. By the end of this course, you will be able to monitor your AWS Free Tier services when approaching usage limits. You will also be able to explain how these cloud financial management tools can assist you with monitoring your AWS Free Tier services. For foundational knowledge about AWS Free Tier, register for the AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Offerings and AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Managing Services courses. For more information about cloud economic principles, register for Introduction to AWS Billing and Cost Management. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 10 minutes Activities This course includes demonstrations, videos, and reading text. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Explain how two cloud financial management tools can assist you with monitoring your Free Tier services. Intended audience • This course is intended for: Business Cloud Professionals who are cost-conscious and are early in their AWS journey. Prerequisites N/A Course outline AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Monitoring Services • Why monitor your AWS Free Tier services? • Use AWS Billing console to track and confirm usage • Use AWS Budgets to manage costs • Summary • Resources • Thank You and Feedback

Getting Started with AWS Cloud Essentials

This course introduces you to cloud computing and the benefits of choosing AWS Cloud for your global infrastructure. Throughout this course, you will learn the key benefits of cloud computing and the core services offered by AWS Cloud. If you or your business are considering moving to the cloud, this course provides an overview of storage options, databases, networking setup, security, and pricing details. Getting Started with AWS Cloud Essentials also offers valuable resources, including user guides, references, and training certifications available based on roles or your desired solution. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 60 minutes Activities This course includes videos, reading text, and knowledge check questions. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Differentiate between on-premise servers and cloud computing. • Identify the top benefits of cloud computing. • Recognize the AWS global infrastructure compared to on-premises. • Describe the core services offered by AWS Cloud, specifically regarding storage capabilities, database management, and networking. • Define the roles within the shared responsibility model. • Explore purchasing options available based on your business’s needs. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Solutions architects who are designing services or architectures that are integrated with databases • Software developers • AWS Solutions Architects • People who design cloud architectures Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: None Course outline Module 1: Navigation • How to Use This Course Module 2: Course Content • Getting Started in the AWS Cloud • Understanding the AWS Global Infrastructure • Core Services Overview: Compute • Core Services Overview: Storage • Core Services Overview: Databases • Core Services Overview: Networking • Core Services Overview: Security • Core Services Overview: Pricing • Next Steps Module 2: Thank You • Feedback

AWS Certification Subject Matter Expert Training

This course teaches you the standards and guidelines for developing items for AWS Certification exams. It outlines the overall exam development process; defines your role in the process; identifies valid item types and their components; identifies and defines item-writing standards, guidelines, and best practices; and provides guidance for validating and defending exam items. Course level: Intermediate Duration: 150 minutes Activities This course includes presentations and assessments. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: – Author psychometrically sound, legally defensible exam items (questions) – Identify cognitive levels and understand their relevance to exam objective – Author items that align to the appropriate exam level and cognitive level – Author items that align to the appropriate job role – Validate the technical accuracy of exam items Intended audience This course is intended for: – AWS technical subject matter experts – AWS Certification Exam Development program managers – AWS Certification Practice Exams program managers – AWS Certification technical architects Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: – A current, valid AWS certification – A minimum of two years of hands-on experience designing solutions, developing and deploying applications, and running or managing workloads on the AWS Cloud Course outline Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Certification Fundamentals – Exam security – Overview of the exam development process – The minimally qualified candidate (MQC) – The content outline – The exam guide Module 3: Standard Certification Considerations – Introduction – Characteristics of an effective exam – Characteristics of an effective item – Components of an item – Acceptable item types – Specific guidelines for item elements – Effective items: – Deep dive – Fairness Module 4: Cognitive Complexity and Job Roles – Introduction to cognitive complexity – Cognitive complexity by exam level – Writing items for roles Module 5: General Guidelines and Best Practices – Introduction – Question structure – Response options – Multiple-response item stems – Items about cost – Subjective qualifiers – Memorization – AWS focus – Portraying AWS in a negative light – Cues for keys – Trick questions – Testing, not teaching Module 6: Getting Started (4 slides) – Considerations – Conclusion

AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials (Arabic)

هذه الدورة التدريبية موجهة للأفراد الذين يسعون إلى فهم سحابة Amazon Web Services ‏(AWS) فهمًا شاملاً، بشكل مستقل عن الأدوار التقنية المحددة. ستتعلم المفاهيم الأساسية لسحابة AWS وخدمات AWS والأمان والبنية والتسعير والدعم لبناء معرفتك بسحابة AWS. كما تساعدك الدورة أيضًا على الاستعداد لاختبار AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. • مستوى الدورة التدريبية: أساسي • المدة: 6 ساعات الأنشطة تتضمن هذه الدورة عروضًا تقديمية مرئية وعروضًا توضيحية وروابط إلى الموارد وتحققات المعرفة. أهداف الدورة ستتعلم في هذه الدورة التدريبية ما يلي: • تلخيص التعريف العملي لـ AWS • التفريق بين السحابة المحلية والمختلطة والسحابة الشاملة • وصف البنية التحتية العالمية الأساسية لـ AWS Cloud • شرح فوائد AWS Cloud الست • وصف خدمات AWS، بما في ذلك الحوسبة والشبكة وقواعد البيانات والتخزين، وتقديم مثال عليها • تحديد حل مناسب باستخدام AWS Cloud services مع حالات استخدام متنوعة • وصف AWS Well-Architected Framework • شرح نموذج المسؤولية المشتركة • وصف خدمات الأمان في AWS Cloud • وصف أساسيات ترحيل AWS Cloud • توضيح مزايا AWS Cloud المالية بالنسبة لإدارة تكاليف مؤسسة ما • تعريف نماذج الفوترة الأساسية وإدارة الحسابات والتسعير • شرح كيفية استخدام أدوات التسعير لاتخاذ خيارات فعّالة من حيث التكلفة لخدمات AWS الجمهور المستهدف تستهدف هذه الدورة ما يلي: • المبيعات • الشؤون القانونية • التسويق • محللي الأعمال • مديري المشاريع • طلاب AWS Academy • المهنيين الآخرين المرتبطين بتكنولوجيا المعلومات المتطلبات الأساسية نوصي الحاضرين في هذه الدورة بأن يكون لديهم: • المعرفة العامة للأعمال بتكنولوجيا المعلومات • المعرفة العامة التقنية بتكنولوجيا المعلومات مخطط الدورة التدريبية الوحدة 1: مقدمة إلى Amazon Web Services • تلخيص مزايا AWS • وصف الاختلافات بين التسليم عند الطلب وعمليات النشر السحابية • تلخيص نظام تسعير الدفع عند الاستخدام الوحدة 2: الحوسبة في السحابة • وصف مزايا Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ‏(Amazon EC2) على مستوى أساسي • تحديد أنواع مثيلات Amazon EC2 المختلفة • التمييز بين خيارات الفوترة المتنوعة لـ Amazon EC2 • تلخيص مزايا التحجيم التلقائي لـ Amazon EC2 • تلخيص مزايا Elastic Load Balancing • تقديم مثال على استخدامات Elastic Load Balancing • تلخيص الاختلافات بين Amazon Simple Notification Service ‎‏ (Amazon SNS) وخدمة Amazon Simple Queue Services ‏(Amazon SQS) • تلخيص خيارات حوسبة AWS الإضافية الوحدة 3: البنية التحتية العالمية والموثوقية • تلخيص مزايا البنية التحتية العالمية لـ AWS • وصف المفهوم الأساسي لمناطق التوافر • وصف مزايا Amazon CloudFront ومواقع الحافة • مقارنة الطرق المختلفة لتوفير خدمات AWS الوحدة 4: الشبكات • وصف المفاهيم الأساسية للشبكات • وصف الفرق بين موارد الشبكات العامة والخاصة • شرح بوابة خاصة افتراضية باستخدام سيناريو واقعي • شرح شبكة خاصة افتراضية (VPN) باستخدام سيناريو واقعي • وصف مزايا AWS Direct Connect • وصف مزايا عمليات النشر المختلطة • وصف طبقات الأمان المستخدمة في إستراتيجية تكنولوجيا المعلومات • وصف الخدمات التي يستخدمها العملاء للتعامل مع شبكة AWS العالمية الوحدة 5: التخزين وقواعد البيانات • تلخيص المفهوم الأساسي للتخزين وقواعد البيانات • وصف مزايا Amazon Elastic Block Store ‏(Amazon EBS) • وصف مزايا Amazon Simple Storage Service ‏(Amazon S3) • وصف مزايا Amazon Elastic File System ‏(Amazon EFS) • تلخيص حلول التخزين المتنوعة • وصف مزايا Amazon Relational Database Service ‏(Amazon RDS) • وصف مزايا Amazon DynamoDB • تلخيص خدمات قواعد البيانات المتنوعة الوحدة 6: الأمان • شرح مزايا نموذج المسؤولية المشتركة • وصف المصادقة متعددة العوامل (MFA) • التفريق بين مستويات أمان AWS

Getting Started with Cloud Acquisition (Arabic)

Course description: In this course, you will learn how to buy AWS Cloud effectively, from the very start of the procurement effort. The course includes an in-depth review of cloud acquisition best practices, the benefits of working with the AWS Partner Network (APN), and how to overcome common challenges. The course aims to upskill you with the key acquisition knowledge you need to speak to all stakeholders in your organization and help maximize the benefits of cloud adoption. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 80 minutes Activities: This course includes videos, exercises, and a final assessment. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: • Build cloud technology considerations into acquisition strategies • Identify how cloud acquisition affects all elements of your organization, such as security, legal, and finance • Describe different buying approaches and when to use them, such as frameworks, existing contracts, and dynamic purchasing systems • Recognize the value proposition of cloud service providers (CSPs) and their partners • Identify how and when to bring in partners, and when it makes more sense to buy directly from a CSP • Identify the key stakeholders in your organizations and how to effectively engage them on cloud acquisition considerations that might affect them • Recognize common acquisition questions and how to answer them • Work with the APN Intended audience: This course is intended for: • C-suite • Buyers and procurement specialists, such as category managers and leads, heads of procurement and acquisition, and supply chain managers • Finance and commercial professionals • HR and training professionals • Security professionals • Risk and compliance professionals • Internal audit professionals • Legal and contracts professionals • Program and project managers Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner – Foundational certification  Course outline: Introduction and Cloud Acquisition Fundamentals • Introduction Cloud Acquisition Fundamentals: • Cloud Adoption Parts • Cloud Acquisition Fundamentals: Summary Procurement Foundations: • Rethinking Procurement • Educating Internal Stakeholders on Buying Cloud • Separate Infrastructure from Services/Labor • Procurement Foundations: Summary Key Aspects of Procurement: • Key Aspects of Procurement • Pricing • Security • Data Sovereignty and Data Residency • Sustainability • Governance and Operationalization • Terms and Conditions • Key Aspects of Procurement: Summary Working with Partners: • Working with the AWS Partner Network • Working with Partners: Summary Making It Real: • Procurement Vehicle Global Examples • Answering Common Procurement Questions • Talking About Migrations • Making it Real: Summary Course Summary: • Knowledge Assessment • Additional Resources

AWS Cloud Essentials for Business Leaders (Financial Services)

In this course, you will learn the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and how a cloud strategy can help companies in the financial services industries (FSI) meet business objectives. It explores the advantages and possibilities of cloud computing in banking, insurance, capital markets, payments, and financial technology. The course addresses concepts such as security, fraud detection, analytics, and compliance to help facilitate discussions with line of business (LOB) professionals, information technology (IT) leaders, and executives • Course Level: Fundamental • Duration: 2 Hours Activities This course includes presentations, case studies, and knowledge checks. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Explain the role of information technology (IT) in an organization for business transformation • Explain the customer value proposition for using the cloud in the financial services industry (FSI) • Define key characteristics of cloud computing • Explain the cloud business model • Identify key FSI security practices of cloud computing • Frame the cloud business value using the Cloud Value Framework Intended audience This course is intended for: • Line of business (LOB) owners, information technology (IT) leaders, and executives Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: • No prior IT experience or cloud experience is required.   Course outline Module 1: Course Introduction Module 2: Role of IT for Business Transformation • Role of IT in an organization for business transformation • Brief history of IT • Legacy approach to IT • What drives customers to move from traditional infrastructure to the cloud Module 3: Customer Value Proposition for FIS • The customer value proposition • Identify who is using cloud computing • Industry trends • Customer examples Module 4: Introduction to Cloud Computing • Define cloud computing • Key characteristics of cloud technology • The cloud business model • Key FIS security practices within the cloud Module 5: Cloud Value Framework • Introduction to the Cloud Value Framework • Cost Savings • Staff Productivity • Operational Resilience • Business Agility

Getting Started with Cloud Acquisition

In this course, you will learn how to buy AWS Cloud effectively, from the very start of the procurement effort. The course includes an in-depth review of cloud acquisition best practices, the benefits of working with the AWS Partner Network (APN), and how to overcome common challenges. The course aims to upskill you with the key acquisition knowledge you need to speak to all stakeholders in your organization and help maximize the benefits of cloud adoption. • Course Level: Fundamental • Duration: 1 Hour 20 Minutes Activities: This course includes videos, exercises, and a final assessment. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: • Build cloud technology considerations into acquisition strategies • Identify how cloud acquisition affects all elements of your organization, such as security, legal, and finance • Describe different buying approaches and when to use them, such as frameworks, existing contracts, and dynamic purchasing systems • Recognize the value proposition of cloud service providers (CSPs) and their partners • Identify how and when to bring in partners, and when it makes more sense to buy directly from a CSP • Identify the key stakeholders in your organizations and how to effectively engage them on cloud acquisition considerations that might affect them • Recognize common acquisition questions and how to answer them • Work with the APN Intended audience: This course is intended for: • C-suite • Buyers and procurement specialists, such as category managers and leads, heads of procurement and acquisition, and supply chain managers • Finance and commercial professionals • HR and training professionals • Security professionals • Risk and compliance professionals • Internal audit professionals • Legal and contracts professionals • Program and project managers Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner – Foundational certification Course outline: Introduction and Cloud Acquisition Fundamentals • Introduction Cloud Acquisition Fundamentals • Cloud Adoption Parts • Cloud Acquisition Fundamentals: Summary Procurement Foundations • Rethinking Procurement • Educating Internal Stakeholders on Buying Cloud • Separate Infrastructure from Services/Labor • Procurement Foundations: Summary Key Aspects of Procurement • Key Aspects of Procurement • Pricing • Security • Data Sovereignty and Data Residency • Sustainability • Governance and Operationalization • Terms and Conditions • Key Aspects of Procurement: Summary Working with Partners • Working with the AWS Partner Network • Working with Partners: Summary Making It Real • Procurement Vehicle Global Examples • Answering Common Procurement Questions • Talking About Migrations • Making it Real: Summary Course Summary • Knowledge Assessment • Additional Resources

Introduction to AWS Solutions

Course description In this course, we will describe the various capabilities that AWS Solutions offer and how your customers might benefit. You will learn how to save time and reduce development effort by using AWS Solutions for dozens of technical and business problems. In the following videos, we will explore how these different AWS Solutions benefit your customers and how you can implement them. A team of experts will walk you through all the aspects of AWS Solutions. The course includes short knowledge checks at the end of each module and a final assessment at the end. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 45 Minutes Activities: This course includes animated videos, interactive content, knowledge checks, and a final assessment. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Solve common customer problems through appropriate AWS Solutions. •Describe the different types of AWS Solutions and their purpose. •Become familiar with at least one use case for each AWS Solutions asset type. •List the top AWS Solutions Implementations. •Know where to go to learn more. Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Software developers •Cloud architecture designers Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •None Course outline: Module 1: Introduction to AWS Solutions •In this module, we will describe the various capabilities that AWS Solutions offers and how your customers might benefit. •Overview of AWS Solutions •How builders and customers use AWS Solutions •Overview of AWS Solutions asset types •Characteristics of offerings •Objective of AWS Solutions •Brief knowledge check Module 2: AWS Solutions Implementations and AWS Reference Architectures •In this module, we will explore AWS Reference Architectures and AWS Solutions Implementations. AWS Reference Architectures architecture diagrams are used to describe the design, topology, and service interaction of applications built on Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS Solutions Implementations are easily customizable so that specific organization needs can be met. •Overview of AWS Solutions Implementations •Instance Scheduler use case •Overview of AWS Reference Architectures •Brief knowledge check Module 3: AWS Solutions Constructs •In this module, we will explore AWS Solutions Constructs. By starting with Constructs, customers can ensure that their workload contains well-architected components. •Overview of AWS Solutions Constructs •Benefits and objectives linked to AWS Solutions Constructs •Use case for AWS Solutions Constructs •Brief knowledge check Module 4: AWS Professional Services and Partner Offers •In this module, we will explore how the AWS Partner Network serves as an acceleration engine for customers who work with our AWS Partners. These •Partners continually integrate our AWS Solutions to drive their business outcomes. •Overview of AWS Solutions Consulting Offers •Benefits and objectives linked to AWS Solutions Consulting Offers •Use case for AWS Solutions Consulting Offer Airline •Links to bookmark •Brief knowledge check Module 5: AWS Solutions Bringing It All Together •In this module, we will reiterate the four major offerings of AWS Solutions. AWS Solutions provides a wide area of offerings that can benefit your customers regardless of size or industry. •Overview of covered topics •Links to additional resources Module 6: Quiz •Quiz Module 7: Resources •Links to bookmark

Job Roles in the Cloud

This course provides business decision makers a high-level picture of job roles in the AWS Cloud and how they compare to on-premises IT job roles. Learners explore four cloud job roles and their competencies to understand how to best transition on-premises job roles to cloud job roles. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 30 minutes Activities This course includes: videos, reading text, and knowledge check questions. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Describe on-premises job roles and responsibilities. • Differentiate between customer and AWS responsibilities in the cloud. • Define AWS Cloud job roles, responsibilities, and competencies. • Compare on-premises job roles to AWS Cloud job roles. • Identify ways to grow AWS Cloud competencies for on-premises job roles. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Business decision makers Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: None Course outline Module 1: Navigation • How to Use this Course Module 2: Course Content • AWS Cloud for Businesses • On-Premises Job Roles • Shared Responsibility Model • Job Roles in the Cloud • Map On-premises Job Roles to Job Roles in the Cloud • Grow AWS Competencies • Knowledge Check Module 3: Thank you • Feedback