DNA Sequencing with Machine Learning

Introduction What if, a small sample of each baby’s saliva was sent out to a lab, where—for just a few dollars—the baby’s DNA was analyzed and a multitude of “risk scores” returned? These would not be diagnoses but instead, prognostication: This baby is at elevated risk for developing heart disease in 40 years, Is more […]

Ensemble Learning | Machine Learning | Data Science

English Tutorial Arabic Tutorial Transscript In some complex problems in data science, we find that the performance of our machine learning algorithm is very poor even after spending some time understanding the problem and performing some feature engineering. At that point, we realize that combining several machine learning algorithms may come to the rescue! Ensemble […]

Linear Regression in Simple Words | Data Science

As this introductory slide depicts, linear regression is a way to explain the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more explanatory variables using a straight line. It is a special case of regression analysis. … Linear regression can be used to fit a predictive model to a set of observed values (data points). […]

Build Data Analysis and Data Discovery Web Application for Data Science projects

Data preparation and data discovery consume a great amount of time in any data science or data analytics job, one of the solutions is to write a template script that you can use in this phase of your job, but what about adding interactive controls and dynamic controls into your scripting wouldn’t that be great?, […]

So Which Machine Learning Algorithm to use?

A lot of data science practitioners found the process of selecting a machine learning algorithm overwhelming and confusing. That’s because there are a bunch of algorithms that can do the same task. For example, classification can be done using a Decision Tree, SVM, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, KNN, and Neural Network.  Now, which one should […]

Data Science Roadmap .. Concepts, Tools, and Technologies

In this article, we will depict some skills and concepts that must be learned in the journey of becoming a data scientist but first, what is data science?  Data Science is the art of uncovering the insights and trends in data. It has been around since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used census data to […]