Analyze COVID-19 Dataset with Databricks

In this article, we will analyze COVID-19 Dataset using Databricks unified analytics platform using the community edition of the platform, which is totally for free and you can use it as your playground to test Apache Spark applications in Python or R depends on your favorite API of development. Dataset will be used in this […]

Apache Kafka and Apache Spark Integration | Apache Kafka | Apache Spark

Introduction Apache Kafka is a scalable, high performance, low latency platform that allows reading and writing streams of data like a messaging system. We can start writing Kafka applications using Java fairly easily, check our previous article on how to design a Kafka pipeline in Java. If you research the variety of real-world use-cases for Kafka, you will very […]

Setup Apache Spark environment on Windows | Apache Spark

Apache Spark is easy to use, unified platform for all purposes of big data processing, and equipped with rich set of APIs for different application needs as Spark DataFrame and Spark SQL for structured data processing, Spark Streaming and Structured Streaming for streaming applications, Spark MLib for machine learning applications, Spark Graphx for Graph analytics […]

Apache Spark Application Execution Mode | Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a powerful processing platform for big data applications that supports different big data processing types. In this article we will discover together how Apache Spark application can be executed in multiple modes, depending on the environment architecture and on the application requirements. Before going into details, if you would like to setup […]