Best Channels on YouTube for Data Science

Youtube data science channels

Data Science could be a nightmare. Furthermore, it is not our fault because we were not given the opportunity to study Data Science properly. But thanks to modern technology, the internet, and social media, we have the good fortune to fully understand a variety of scientific principles. 

Here’s some positive news, too! We’ve put up a selection of Data Science YouTube channels that can aid in your understanding of the subject and help you develop it as your area of expertise. 

Read the article to learn about well-known YouTube channels that can help you develop a passion for Data Science.


StatQuest simplifies complex Machine Learning and Statistics techniques into digestible, bite-sized chunks. on the contrary, it makes you wiser and improves your comprehension of machine learning and statistics.

2-Data School:

Regardless of your educational experience, Data School provides in-depth courses that are easy to comprehend and concentrates on the subjects you need to master first.

Kevin Markham, is the one who started Data School. Using the Python programming language, He has taught data science to thousands of students online and to hundreds of thousands of students in the classroom.


Here are videos covering a wide range of math topics, as well as related fields like physics and computer science, with a focus on illustrating the fundamental concepts. Using animation to assist, clarify and inspire otherwise complex subjects and simplify challenging issues through perspective shifts is the aim.


In this channel, there are tutorials on Python programming that cover more than the fundamentals. Discover more about web development, game development, robots, finance, data analysis, machine learning, and more. 

5-Corey Schafer:


This channel is focused on creating tutorials and walkthroughs for software developers, programmers, and engineers. It covers topics for all different skill levels, so whether you are a beginner or have many years of experience, this channel will have something for you.

6-FreeCodeCamp :

This channel helps you learn programming for free in many fields and science of programming like :

  • Data analysis with python.
  • pyTech Basics & Gradient Descent.
  • C in 4 hours.
  • Generative AI.

7-Data Science Dojo : 

With a more approachable, readable, and interesting curriculum, Data Science Dojo is an e-learning startup that is revolutionizing data science, large language models, and generative AI education scene. We think AI and data science are accessible to anyone. they devote their time to demystifying and imparting knowledge on data science.

8-365 Data Science‎:

highest quality online data science education. Their courses are designed to build up your skill set from beginner to job-ready, regardless of your current level, background education, and experience.

Their data science program helps students and young professionals embark on a career as data scientists. Demand for qualified data scientists is at an all-time high and traditional degrees are simply too expensive, time-consuming or rigid to meet the majority of needs. Their mission is to close that gap. 

they provide high-quality, affordable training to open new opportunities for students and professionals all over the world. 

They constantly improve their program offering and customer experience.

9-Derek Banas:

develop tutorials in response to your demands. It will address any subject you can think of.

People’s education is Derek’s passion! He has 26 years of professional experience in the IT industry. He has almost ten years of experience producing instructional films. His mission is to provide low-cost education so that people everywhere can realize their ambitions.

After launching his YouTube account in 2008, he has over 1,000 videos on the platform that have received over 92 million views. In the top three for each programming language are his videos.


Their goal as a live and interactive online learning platform is to make education available to everybody. To attain the highest course completion rates in the market, they provide instructor-led courses in addition to round-the-clock on-demand support! Your learning objectives are accomplished thanks to their practical projects, round-the-clock support, and personal learning managers!

11-Krish Naik:

This YouTube channel explains a wide range of AI, machine learning, and deep learning subjects using numerous examples from actual problems. he has given more than thirty technical speeches on data science, AI, and machine learning at various get-togethers, tech conferences, and community-organized forums. The primary goal is to familiarize everyone with AI and ML.

12-Data Science Academy:

AI Science, the Academy of Professional and Exceptional Data Science Education, and much more.

It can be difficult to get started with learning data science in Python. They co-founded Data Science Academy, an NGO that offers easily accessible data science education with an emphasis on creating a supportive community of data aficionados, in order to assist people in overcoming this phobia.

13-Mustafa Othman:

 Mustafa Othman is a Udemy instructor with educational courses available for enrollment.

Relevant areas explained in this Channel

– Data science and analysis

– Digital marketing and social media

– Graphic and digital media design


This channel explains a variety of programming topics and is dedicated to assisting Arab youth in gaining the knowledge they need to grow as individuals and succeed in the workforce. 

15-Deena Gergis:

If you want to understand more about data science and industrial intelligence, you’re in the right place.

you will find useful courses , Live sessions ,FAQ’s .

16-Data Camp:

Welcome to the official DataCamp YouTube channel, your go-to source for learning data science and artificial intelligence! With its interactive learning platform, DataCamp hopes to make data science and artificial intelligence more accessible.

their goal? giving everyone the knowledge and abilities to comprehend, evaluate, and interpret data.

In addition to tutorials, this channel provides useful presentations, and educational content in machine learning, data science, AI, and data visualization. Everyone is invited, from seasoned pros eager to improve their skills to budding data scientists. 

17-Data Science Tutorials:

Because of its breadth of accessible analysis packages and its simple programming syntax, R is the language of choice for statisticians and researchers.

so, the goal of this channel is to go over R’s statistical analysis and programming techniques. 

18-Data Professor:

His passions are teaching, research, bioinformatics, machine learning, and data science. His passion for teaching students and data enthusiasts about data science and how it can be applied to make sense of data is expanded through the Data Professor YouTube channel. This channel offers tutorials in practice and explanation videos on data science topics.

19-Andreas Kretz :

 Andreas Kretz started LearnDataEngineering channel where he  instructs data engineers. You can learn all you need to apply data engineering in your current career or to become a data engineer at his academy at Learn Data Engineering.

He discusses tools, methods, and subjects that he comes across in his day-to-day work on this channel.

As an engineer, you work out how to take in, process, and store data so that analysts, data scientists, and clients can perform good tasks using a variety of tools, including Python, Databricks, Apache Airflow, MongoDB, GCP, AWS, and Apache Spark.


This channel is dedicated to data science, Python, and machine learning. You can find tutorials on matplotlib, deep learning, neural, and networks.

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