Amazon Macie – Getting Started

Amazon Macie is a data security service that uses machine learning (ML) and pattern matching to discover and help protect your sensitive data. Macie provides visibility into data security risks and supports automated protection against those risks. This fundamental course will help you understand key concepts, use cases, and architecture. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 60 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, demonstrations, videos, and assessments. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Understand the fundamentals of Macie •Identify common use cases •Understand how Amazon Macie works at an architectural level Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Security engineers, security analysts, security operations, and security DevOps. Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •A fundamental understanding of the AWS Cloud and the security services available to secure your cloud. •Completed the AWS Security Fundamentals Second Edition digital course on AWS Skill Builder. Course outline: Module 1: Introduction to Amazon Macie •Benefits of Amazon Macie •Demo – Activating your Amazon Macie Account •Demo – Loading data into Amazon S3 •Demo – Checking Amazon Macie Costs Module 2: Amazon Macie Architecture •Architecting solutions overview with S3 and Security Hub Module 3: Amazon Macie Use Cases •Discover sensitive data for compliance •Protect sensitive data during migration •Increase visibility for business-critical data •Demo – Creating a Data Discovery Job with Amazon Macie •Demo – Activating Automated Sensitive Data Discovery •Demo – Exploring Sample Findings with Macie

Getting Started with Amazon EKS Anywhere

With Amazon EKS Anywhere, you can create and operate on-premises Kubernetes clusters with support from Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this course, you will learn the benefits and technical concepts of Amazon EKS Anywhere. You will learn how to start with the service through a demonstration using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). You will learn about the native architecture and how the built-in features can help you streamline on-premises Kubernetes management. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, graphics, tools, and interactive activities. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Understand how Amazon EKS Anywhere works. •Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Amazon EKS Anywhere. •List typical use cases for Amazon EKS Anywhere. •Specify what it would take to implement Amazon EKS Anywhere in a real-world scenario. •Recognize the benefits of Amazon EKS Anywhere. •Explain the cost structure of Amazon EKS Anywhere. •Explore how to use Amazon EKS Anywhere using the AWS CLI. Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Systems administrators •DevOps engineers •Cloud architects Prerequisites: None Course outline Introduction • Introduction to Amazon EKS Anywhere • Architecture and Use Cases Using Amazon EKS Anywhere • How Do I Set Up Amazon EKS Anywhere Prerequisites? • Create an Amazon EKS Anywhere Cluster • Deploy an Application to an Amazon EKS Anywhere Cluster Learn More and Additional Resources

Getting Started with Amazon ECR

With Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR), you can store, share, and deploy your container software anywhere. Amazon ECR is a fully managed container registry offering high-performance hosting, so you can reliably deploy application images and artifacts anywhere. In this course, you will learn the benefits and technical concepts of Amazon ECR. If you are new to the service, you will learn how to start with Amazon ECR through a demonstration using the AWS Management Console. You will learn about the native architecture and how the built-in features can help you streamline managing, storing, and deploying container images in the Amazon ECR registry. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 30 minutes Activities This course includes presentations, graphics, tools, and interactive activities. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Learn how Amazon ECR works. • Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Amazon ECR. • Explore typical use cases for Amazon ECR. • Discover the benefits of Amazon ECR. • Understand the cost structure of Amazon ECR. • Explore how to use Amazon ECR on the AWS Management Console. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Developers • Systems administrators • DevOps engineers • Cloud architects Prerequisites None Course outline • Introduction o Introduction to Amazon ECR o Architecture and Use Cases • Using Amazon ECR o Create an Amazon ECR Repository o Push a Container to an Amazon ECR Repository o Turn on Amazon ECR Replication o Tear Down Amazon ECR Resources • Learn More and Additional Resources

Getting Started with Amazon GuardDuty

Amazon GuardDuty provides visibility into security threats to help you identify and remediate anomalous or suspicious activities. This course will provide you with a fundamental understanding of the purpose, benefits, architecture, pricing philosophy, and common use cases of Amazon GuardDuty. The course also explores how the service is implemented in an AWS environment with demonstration of basic setup and usage of the service. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 1 hour Activities This course includes text, videos, and interactive activities. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Describe the purpose of Amazon GuardDuty. • Identify what problems GuardDuty solves. • Recognize the benefits of GuardDuty. • Explain GuardDuty pricing. • Identify the different types of threats that GuardDuty can detect. • Describe various ways to react to a GuardDuty finding. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Security Engineers, Security Architects and Systems Operations • IT consultants designing, architecting, and maintaining applications and solutions to run securely in the AWS Cloud Prerequisites Before attending this course, participants should have completed the following: • AWS Security Fundamentals Second Edition  Course outline Module 1: Exploring Amazon GuardDuty • Introduction to Amazon GuardDuty • Use Cases and Architecture Module 2: Using Amazon GuardDuty • Getting Started with Amazon GuardDuty • Storing Findings • Alerting on Findings • More Ways to Use GuardDuty Module 3: Conclusion • Learn More • Feedback

Getting Started with AWS Fargate

With AWS Fargate, you can build applications without managing servers. In this course, you will learn the benefits and technical concepts of Fargate. If you are new to the service, you will learn how to start with Fargate through a demonstration using the AWS Management Console. You will learn about the native architecture and how the built-in features can help you deploy and manage your applications, not infrastructure. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, videos, graphics, tools, and interactive activities. Course objectives: •Describe how Fargate works •Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Fargate •List typical use cases for Fargate •Specify what it would take to implement Fargate in a real-world scenario •Recognize the benefits of Fargate •Explain the cost structure of Fargate •Explore how to use Fargate from the AWS Management Console and using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Developers •Systems administrators •DevOps engineers •Cloud architects •Application architects Prerequisites None Course outline: •Introduction to Fargate •Architecture and Use Cases •Using Fargate •How Do I Create an Amazon ECS Cluster that Uses Fargate for Compute? •How Do I Deploy a Container? •How Do I View Logs with Fargate? •How Do I Run Fargate Using the AWS CLI? •Learn More and Additional Resources

Getting Started with Amazon ECS

With Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), you can run highly secure, reliable, and scalable containers. In this course, you will learn the benefits and technical concepts of Amazon ECS. If you are new to the service, you will learn how to start with Amazon ECS through a demonstration using the AWS Management Console. You will learn about the native architecture and how the built-in features can help you deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, videos, graphics, tools, and interactive activities. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Understand how Amazon ECS works •Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Amazon ECS •List typical use cases for Amazon ECS •Specify what it would take to implement Amazon ECS in a real-world scenario •Recognize the benefits of Amazon ECS •Explain the cost structure of Amazon ECS •Show how to deploy an application to run on Amazon ECS from the AWS Management Console Intended audience This course is intended for: •Developers •Solutions architects •Cloud practitioners •IT operations engineers •IT professionals •IT leaders Prerequisites: None Course outline: • Introduction to Amazon ECS • Architecture and Use Cases • Deploying an Application to Run on Amazon ECS • Learn More

Threat Modeling the Right Way for Builders Workshop

This workshop introduces you to some of the background of threat modeling and why to do it, as well as some of the tools and techniques for modeling systems, identifying threats, and selecting mitigations. The workshop guides you through the process of creating a system model and corresponding threat model. Then you assess the usefulness of these models. Each exercise has step-by-step instructions and you can use the associated participant workbook as you progress through the workshop. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 3 hours Activities: This course includes information presentations, interactive elements, and hands-on exercises. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn: •What threat modeling is and why it is useful •How to model a system using a data flow diagram •How to use a data flow diagram to find useful threats to a system •How to identify mitigations for threats and how to choose between them •How to evaluate the effectiveness of your models Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Software Developers •Product Managers •Systems Engineers •Architects Prerequisites: None Course outline: Module 1: Introduction •Workshop introduction •Workshop overview •Introduction to threat modeling Module 2: What are we working on? •What are we working on? •Exercise 1 Module 3: What can go wrong? •What can go wrong? •Exercise 2 Module 4: What are we going to do about it? •What are we going to do about it? •Exercise 3 Module 5: Did we do a good enough job? •Did we do a good enough job? •Exercise 4 Module 6: Conclusion •Resources •Feedback

Introduction to IoT Device Defender

This course in an introduction to AWS IoT Device Defender, a fully managed service that helps you secure your fleet of IoT devices. In this course, you will learn about the features, benefits, and use cases of the service and get a demonstration of AWS IoT Device Defender at work.