Introduction to Building with AWS Databases

This self-paced digital course explores the various databases that Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers and helps you understand how each of them solve unique business problems. It introduces you to AWS recommended best practices when designing solutions with AWS databases, and common tools for data migration. This course is designed to help you learn the fundamentals of choosing the right database to support your use case. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 3 hours Course objectives: By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following: •Discuss the AWS Well-Architected Framework and how to build database solutions around it. •Identify different data categories, and determine alignment to AWS database services. •Compare and categorize AWS relational and nonrelational database services. •Identify methods of migrating data to AWS. •Describe server-based and serverless architectures, including use cases for each type. •Determine the right database to support a given application requirement. Intended audience: This course is intended for the following: •Database architects •Developers •IT managers •Data engineers •Business leaders •Learners preparing to take the 3-day instructor-led training Planning and Designing Databases Prerequisites: We recommend the following prerequisites for learners of this course: •Familiarity with cloud computing concepts •Familiarity with general networking and encryption concepts Course outline: Course Introduction •Course overview •Course pre-assessment Module 1: AWS Well-Architected Framework •AWS Well-Architected Framework overview •AWS Well-Architected Framework and the six pillars •AWS Well-Architected Tool Module 2: Date Types •Understanding your data Module 3: AWS Database Services •Database services offered by AWS Module 4: Amazon Relational Databases •Relational database introduction •Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) •Amazon Aurora Module 5: AWS Nonrelational Databases •Nonrelational database introduction •Amazon DynamoDB •Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) •Amazon DocumentDB •Amazon MemoryDB for Redis •Amazon Timestream •Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB) •Amazon ElastiCache •Amazon Neptune Module 6: Data Access and Analysis •Data access and analysis introduction •Amazon Redshift •Amazon Athena Module 7: Choosing the Right Database •Choosing the right database activity Module 8: AWS Migration Tools •Database migration Module 9: Database Architecture •Architecture overview •Server-based architecture •Serverless architecture Module 10: Course Summary •Course summary •Course post-assessment

Amazon Aurora MySQL – Migration

In this course, you will gain an understanding of available Amazon Aurora MySQL database migration methods and important aspects to consider when choosing a migration method. A database migration to a new platform is a significant event in an application’s lifecycle. It may impact application performance, availability, and reliability. Course provided by AWS Support. Intended Audience: This course is intended for: •Database support •Database administrators •Database developers •Database architects •Database engineers •AWS customers Course Objectives: In this course, you will learn how to: •Identify database migration considerations •Define homogeneous migrations •Define heterogeneous migrations Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites: •AWS Cloud Practitioner certification Delivery Method: This course is delivered through: •Digital training Duration: •20 minutes Course Outline: This course covers the following concepts: •Amazon Aurora MySQL database migration methods and considerations •Homogenous migration •Aurora MySQL read replica •Aurora MySQL snapshot migration •Aurora MySQL self-managed import/export •Aurora MySQL heterogeneous migration

Getting Started with Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache is a fully managed, in-memory caching service supporting flexible, real-time use cases. You can use ElastiCache for caching, which helps accelerate application and database performance, or for use cases like session stores, gaming leaderboards, streaming, and analytics. ElastiCache is compatible with Redis and Memcached. In this Getting Started course, you will learn the benefits, typical use cases, and technical concepts of ElastiCache. You will have an opportunity to try the service through a demonstration using the AWS Management Console or programming languages.

Getting Started with Amazon Timestream

Amazon Timestream is a scalable, fully managed, purpose-built serverless time series database that can help you store and analyze time series data. In this course, you will learn the benefits, typical use cases, and technical concepts of Timestream. You can try the service through provided sample code or the interactive tool in the AWS Management Console. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 1 hour Activities This course includes demonstrations, graphics, and interactive activities. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Understand how Timestream works. • Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Timestream. • List typical use cases for Timestream. • Specify what it would take to implement Timestream in a real-world scenario. • Recognize the benefits of Timestream. • Explain the cost structure of Timestream. • Show how to use Timestream from the AWS Management Console and using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). Intended audience This course is intended for: • Database developers • Data architects • Solutions architects • Cloud practitioners • IT operations engineers • IT professionals • IT leaders Prerequisites None Course outline • Introduction to Timestream • Architecture and Use Cases • How Do I Launch a Timestream Database with Tables? • How Do I Query a Timestream Database? • Learn More

Getting Started with Amazon Neptune

Amazon Neptune is a fully managed graph database service that lets you build and run graph applications with highly connected datasets without worrying about hardware provisioning, software patching, setup, configuration, or backups. In this course, you will learn the benefits, typical use cases, and technical concepts of Neptune. You will have an opportunity to try the service through a demonstration using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or programming languages. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 1 hour Activities: This course includes demonstrations, graphics, and interactive activities. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Understand how Neptune works. •Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Neptune. •List typical use cases for Neptune. •Specify what it would take to implement Neptune in a real-world scenario. •Recognize the benefits of Neptune. •Explain the cost structure of Neptune. •Show how to use Neptune from the AWS Management Console, using the AWS CLI, and with programming languages. Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Developers •Solutions architects •Cloud practitioners •IT operations engineers •IT professionals •IT leaders •Database administrators Prerequisites: No prerequisites needed. Course outline: • Introduction to Neptune • Architecture and Use Cases • How Do I Create a Neptune Cluster in the AWS Management Console? • How Do I Insert and Query Data Using a Neptune Notebook? • How Do I Delete a Neptune Cluster? • Creating Neptune Resources Using the AWS CLI • How Do I Use Neptune with AWS CloudFormation? • How Do I Use Neptune with a Programming Language? • Learn More

Getting Started with Amazon Keyspaces

Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) is a serverless database that can help you manage large, wide-column datastores. It offers single-digit millisecond read/write performance at scale. You can migrate your on-premises Cassandra workloads to Amazon Keyspaces using the same Cassandra Query Language (CQL) and developer tools you use today. In this course, you will learn the benefits, typical use cases, and technical concepts of Amazon Keyspaces. You can try the service through the sample code provided or the interactive tool in the AWS Management Console. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 1 hour Activities This course includes presentations, graphics, sample code, and interactive activities. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Understand how Amazon Keyspaces works. • Familiarize yourself with the technical concepts of Amazon Keyspaces. • List typical use cases for Amazon Keyspaces. • Specify what it would take to implement Amazon Keyspaces in a real-world scenario. • Recognize the benefits of Amazon Keyspaces. • Explain the cost structure of Amazon Keyspaces. • Use Amazon Keyspaces from the AWS Management Console and through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). Intended audience This course is intended for: • Database developers • Data architects • Solutions architects • Cloud practitioners • IT operations engineers • IT professionals • IT leaders Prerequisites None Course outline • Introduction to Amazon Keyspaces • Architecture and Use Cases • Using Amazon Keyspaces • Learn More

Migrating from Redis to Amazon ElastiCache

In this course from the Moving to Managed Databases on AWS curriculum, AWS Hero Alex DeBrie demonstrates the step-by-step process of migrating a self-managed Redis cluster to a fully managed cluster using Amazon ElastiCache. You can either watch Alex explain the steps of the migration process or follow along using your own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or the AWS Free Tier. At the end of this course, you should feel confident in your ability to migrate an existing database to ElastiCache. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Migrate a self-managed Redis cluster to a fully managed cluster using Amazon ElastiCache Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Customers, Amazonians, and AWS Partners who have experience with AWS, including a background in database administration and design •Data platform engineers •Database developers •Solutions architects  Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Basic understanding of databases, including maintenance and support •AWS Planning and Designing Databases course Course outline: •Lesson 1. Introduction •Lesson 2. Create a source Redis instance in Amazon EC2 (optional) •Lesson 3. Create a Redis cluster in ElastiCache •Lesson 4. Perform an online migration from an existing Redis instance to your ElastiCache cluster •Lesson 5. Complete the migration, and clean up resources •Lesson 6. Conclusion

Migrating from Apache Cassandra to Amazon Keyspaces

In this course from the Moving to Managed Databases on AWS curriculum, AWS Hero Alex DeBrie demonstrates the step-by-step process of migrating a self-managed Apache Cassandra cluster to a fully managed keyspace using Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra). You can either watch Alex explain the steps of the migration process or follow along using your own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or the AWS Free Tier. At the end of this course, you should feel confident in your ability to migrate an existing Cassandra database to Amazon Keyspaces. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Migrate a self-managed Apache Cassandra cluster to a fully managed keyspace using Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Customers, Amazonians, and AWS Partners who have experience with AWS, including a background in database administration and design •Data platform engineers •Database developers •Solutions architects  Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Basic understanding of databases, including maintenance and support •AWS Planning and Designing Databases course Course outline: •Lesson 1. Introduction •Lesson 2. Create a source Cassandra cluster in Amazon EC2 (optional) •Lesson 3. Create a fully managed cluster with Amazon Keyspaces •Lesson 4. Migrate your existing data from your source Cassandra instance to your AmazonKeyspaces table •Lesson 5. Complete the migration, and clean up resources •Lesson 6. Conclusion

Migrating from PostgreSQL to Amazon RDS

In this course from the -Moving to Managed Databases on AWS- curriculum, AWS Hero Alex DeBrie demonstrates the step-by-step process of migrating a PostgreSQL database instance to a fully managed database on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). You can either watch Alex explain the steps of the migration process or follow along using your own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or the AWS Free Tier. At the end of this course, you should feel confident in your ability to migrate an existing database to Amazon RDS •Course Level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 Minutes Activities: This course includes presentations and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Migrate from PostgreSQL database to Amazon RDS Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Customers, Amazonians, and AWS Partners who have experience with AWS, including a background in database administration and design •Data platform engineers •Database developers •Solutions architects  Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Basic understanding of databases, including maintenance and support •AWS Planning and Designing Databases course Course outline: •Lesson 1. Introduction •Lesson 2. Create PostgreSQL database instance in Amazon RDS •Lesson 3. Create a replication instance in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) •Lesson 4. Create source and target endpoints for your database migration •Lesson 5. Create a replication task in AWS DMS •Lesson 6. Complete the migration, and clean up resources •Lesson 7. Conclusion

Migrating from MySQL to Amazon RDS

In this course from the Moving to Managed Databases on AWS curriculum, AWS Hero Alex DeBrie demonstrates the step-by-step process of migrating a MySQL database instance to a fully managed database on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). You can either watch Alex explain the steps of the migration process or follow along using your own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or the AWS Free Tier. At the end of this course, you should feel confident in your ability to migrate an existing database to Amazon RDS. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Migrate from MySQL database to Amazon RDS Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Customers, Amazonians, and AWS Partners who have experience with AWS, including a background in database administration and design •Data platform engineers • Database developers •Solutions architects  Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Basic understanding of databases, including maintenance and support •AWS Planning and Designing Databases course Course outline: •Lesson 1. Introduction •Lesson 2. Create a MySQL database instance in Amazon RDS •Lesson 3. Create a replication instance in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) •Lesson 4. Create source and target endpoints for your database migration •Lesson 5. Create a replication task in AWS DMS •Lesson 6. Complete the migration, and clean up resources •Lesson 7. Conclusion

Migrating from Oracle to Amazon RDS

In this course from the Moving to Managed Databases on AWS curriculum, AWS Hero Alex DeBrie demonstrates the step-by-step process of migrating a self-managed Oracle database instance to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). You can either watch Alex explain the steps of the migration process or follow along using your own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or the AWS Free Tier. At the end of this course, you should feel confident in your ability to migrate an existing database to Amazon RDS •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Migrate from Oracle database to Amazon RDS Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Customers, Amazonians, and AWS Partners who have experience with AWS, including a background in database administration and design •Data platform engineers •Database developers •Solutions architects  Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Basic understanding of databases, including maintenance and support •AWS Planning and Designing Databases course Course outline: •Lesson 1. Introduction •Lesson 2. Create an Oracle database instance in Amazon RDS •Lesson 3. Create a replication instance in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) •Lesson 4. Create source and target endpoints for your database migration •Lesson 5. Create a replication task in AWS DMS •Lesson 6. Complete the migration, and clean up resources •Lesson 7. Conclusion

Migrating from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon RDS

In this course from the Moving to Managed Databases on AWS curriculum, AWS Hero Alex DeBrie demonstrates the step-by-step process of migrating a Microsoft SQL Server database to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). You can either watch Alex explain the steps of the migration process or follow along using your own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or the AWS Free Tier. At the end of this course, you should feel confident in your ability to migrate an existing database to Amazon RDS. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Migrate from SQL Server to Amazon RDS Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Customers, Amazonians, and AWS Partners who have experience with AWS, including a background in database administration and design •Data platform engineers •Database developers •Solutions architects  Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Basic understanding of databases, including maintenance and support •AWS Planning and Designing Databases course Course outline: •Lesson 1. Introduction •Lesson 2. Create SQL Server database instance in Amazon RDS •Lesson 3. Create a replication instance in AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) •Lesson 4. Create source and target endpoints for your database migration •Lesson 5. Create a replication task in AWS DMS •Lesson 6. Complete the migration and clean up resources •Lesson 7. Conclusion