Video Streaming Concepts: AWS Media Services

A foundational course providing essential information to learners on how video content is streamed over the internet and how the content provider and viewer who consumes the content, link together in cloud-based media workflows. It will explain some of the terminology and important concepts of video technology to help you understand the processes involved in getting content from its source to the viewer’s screen. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 60 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations, videos, and assessments. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Describe how video is streamed over the internet and the key stages involved in most cloud-based media workflows. •Define the key attributes used to describe video: resolution, frame rate, and bitrate. •Explain how bit depth and color space work to apply color information to an image. •Describe how compression schemes, codecs, and containers work together to efficiently store and stream video across a network. •Describe how group of pictures (GOP) encoding works to compress video streams. •Describe how the challenges of multiscreen delivery are solved by adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming and just-in-time packaging. •Describe the fundamentals of insertion and replacement of video advertising. •Describe the main actors and processes involved in a generic digital rights management (DRM) workflow. •Describe how content delivery networks function to replicate and store video files in the most bandwidth-efficient locations.   Intended audience: This course is intended for anyone who creates video as their business, or who use video to augment their business. Prerequisites: None Course outline: Module 1: Introduction • About This Course • Video Streaming: The Big Picture Module 2: Key Video Attributes • Resolution, Frame Rate, and Bitrate • Bit Depth and Color Space Module 3: Video Compression, Codecs, and Containers • Video Compression • Codecs and Containers • Group of Pictures (GOP) Encoding Module 4: Video Packaging, Origination, and Delivery • Challenges of Multiscreen Delivery • Ad Insertion and Replacement • Digital Rights Management (DRM) • Content Delivery Networks


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