Using AWS Solutions: AWS Cloud Migration Factory

Course Title: Using AWS Solutions: Cloud Migration Factory AWS Digital Course Course description The Cloud Migration Factory on AWS solution coordinates and automates large-scale migrations that involve migrating numerous servers to the AWS Cloud. Customers can use it to help improve performance, reduce cutover windows through automation of manual tasks, and monitor and visualize migration progress. In this course, you will learn about the features, benefits, and technical implementation of the solution. • Course level: Intermediate • Duration: 1.5 hours Activities This course includes presentations, demos, and assessments. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Identify the key features, use cases, and benefits of Cloud Migration Factory. • Familiarize yourself with the solution components and architecture of Cloud Migration Factory. • Use Cloud Migration Factory to plan and perform large-scale server migrations. 1. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Solutions architects and server administrators who plan and perform server migrations to Amazon Web Services (AWS) • AWS Partner solutions architects who help customers and enterprises perform large-scale server migrations to AWS Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: • Fundamental-level understanding of cloud migration • Fundamental-level understanding of AWS migration services Course outline Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Migration Factory Module 2: Architecture and Solution Components Overview Module 3: Deployment of Cloud Migration Factory Module 4: Using the Cloud Migration Factory Solution Module 5: Assessment


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