Succeeding in the Cloud- Rethinking your Levers

Transformation isn't about doing existing things better; it's foremost about doing different things and doing them differently. This course highlights why transformation is different from any other project and challenges leaders to rethink their levers for change. Course level: Fundamental Duration: 45 minutes Activities This course includes eLearning-based instruction delivered in an informational video. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: - Identify why the cloud can be a catalyst for organizational transformation. - Describe how the cloud can help leaders transform their organizations by moving toward autonomous teams coupled with the removal of siloed ways of working. - Explain the importance of aligning business and IT operating models into a common set of business outcomes. Intended audience This course is intended for: - AWS customers, partners, and internal resources Course outline - Introduction - The Cloud's Impact on Business and IT - Operating Models - Transformation: Rethinking Your Levers - Structure to Feedback Cycles - Reducing Friction - Mechanisms - Autonomy - Wrap

Transformation isn’t about doing existing things better; it’s foremost about doing different things and doing them differently. This course highlights why transformation is different from any other project and challenges leaders to rethink their levers for change.


Course level: Fundamental

Duration: 45 minutes



This course includes eLearning-based instruction delivered in an informational video.


Course objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Identify why the cloud can be a catalyst for organizational transformation.
  • Describe how the cloud can help leaders transform their organizations by moving toward autonomous teams coupled with the removal of siloed ways of working.
  • Explain the importance of aligning business and IT operating models into a common set of business outcomes.


Intended audience  

This course is intended for:

  • AWS customers, partners, and internal resources


Course outline

  • Introduction
  • The Cloud’s Impact on Business and IT
  • Operating Models
  • Transformation: Rethinking Your Levers
  • Structure to Feedback Cycles
  • Reducing Friction
  • Mechanisms
  • Autonomy
  • Wrap


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