Migrating from Redis to Amazon ElastiCache

In this course from the Moving to Managed Databases on AWS curriculum, AWS Hero Alex DeBrie demonstrates the step-by-step process of migrating a self-managed Redis cluster to a fully managed cluster using Amazon ElastiCache. You can either watch Alex explain the steps of the migration process or follow along using your own Amazon Web Services (AWS) account or the AWS Free Tier. At the end of this course, you should feel confident in your ability to migrate an existing database to ElastiCache. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes presentations and video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Migrate a self-managed Redis cluster to a fully managed cluster using Amazon ElastiCache Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Customers, Amazonians, and AWS Partners who have experience with AWS, including a background in database administration and design •Data platform engineers •Database developers •Solutions architects  Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: •Basic understanding of databases, including maintenance and support •AWS Planning and Designing Databases course Course outline: •Lesson 1. Introduction •Lesson 2. Create a source Redis instance in Amazon EC2 (optional) •Lesson 3. Create a Redis cluster in ElastiCache •Lesson 4. Perform an online migration from an existing Redis instance to your ElastiCache cluster •Lesson 5. Complete the migration, and clean up resources •Lesson 6. Conclusion


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