Let’s Build in Amazon Honeycode

In this course, you will practice hands-on app building in Amazon Honeycode. You will kick things off with a review of foundational Amazon Honeycode concepts and skills. Then, you will get the opportunity to create an app by completing a series of missions. •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 30 minutes Activities: This course includes a guided tutorial. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Explain what is meant by an Amazon Honeycode workbook, app, and automation •Set up your tables for successful app building •Describe how you can collaborate in Amazon Honeycode •Build a basic list-and-detail Amazon Honeycode app •Customize an Amazon Honeycode app •Implement a notification in Amazon Honeycode Intended audience: This course is intended for: •People who are interested in building Amazon Honeycode apps Prerequisites: None


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