Job Roles in the Cloud

This course provides business decision makers a high-level picture of job roles in the AWS Cloud and how they compare to on-premises IT job roles. Learners explore four cloud job roles and their competencies to understand how to best transition on-premises job roles to cloud job roles. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 30 minutes Activities This course includes: videos, reading text, and knowledge check questions. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Describe on-premises job roles and responsibilities. • Differentiate between customer and AWS responsibilities in the cloud. • Define AWS Cloud job roles, responsibilities, and competencies. • Compare on-premises job roles to AWS Cloud job roles. • Identify ways to grow AWS Cloud competencies for on-premises job roles. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Business decision makers Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: None Course outline Module 1: Navigation • How to Use this Course Module 2: Course Content • AWS Cloud for Businesses • On-Premises Job Roles • Shared Responsibility Model • Job Roles in the Cloud • Map On-premises Job Roles to Job Roles in the Cloud • Grow AWS Competencies • Knowledge Check Module 3: Thank you • Feedback


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