Improve Code Quality with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer

In this course, you will learn how to improve the quality of your code and strengthen your current DevOps practices by using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer. You will also learn how to integrate CodeGuru Reviewer into development workflows to enhance code reviews with automated feedback. Finally, you will learn how to associate existing code repositories on GitHub and AWS CodeCommit with Amazon CodeGuru. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 1 hour Activities: This course includes videos, interactive learning objects, and knowledge checks. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: • Differentiate between CodeGuru Reviewer and Amazon CodeGuru Profiler • Explain how CodeGuru Reviewer supports DevOps practices • Describe how CodeGuru Reviewer helps you to improve code quality • Explain how to use CodeGuru Reviewer in your development workflow • Explain how to analyze your code with CodeGuru Reviewer • Describe how to contribute feedback to improve the effectiveness of CodeGuru Reviewer Intended audience: This course is intended for: • DevOps engineers • Developers Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: • Experience developing applications using Java or Python  Course outline: Module 1: Introduction to Amazon CodeGuru • Introduction to CodeGuru • CodeGuru Reviewer and CodeGuru Profiler • Enhancing DevOps practices with CodeGuru • Developer workflow with CodeGuru Module 2: Using Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer • Using CodeGuru Reviewer • Getting started with CodeGuru Reviewer • CodeGuru Reviewer workflow • Demo: Associate GitHub repositories • Demo: Associate CodeCommit repositories • Reviewing code with CodeGuru Reviewer • Demo: Review your code • Demo: Review your repository


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