AWS Network Connectivity Options

This course is for individuals who seek knowledge of networking on Amazon Web Services (AWS) beyond the foundational level. You will learn about various connectivity options, including how to choose the best way to create a secure, scalable, and highly available network. You will analyze complex network design patterns and learn best practices that are ideal for your organization. •Course level: Intermediate •Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Activities: This course includes written material, video, and knowledge checks. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Identify a hybrid network cloud architecture to bridge the AWS Cloud with a traditional network infrastructure. •Create complex design patterns using AWS network components. •Predict the implications of choosing select AWS network connectivity options on a global network architecture. •Ensure network resiliency by understanding and applying high-availability architecture strategies. •Apply best practices using a knowledge of AWS network design patterns and architectures. Intended audience: This course is intended for: •Network engineers •Enterprise architects •Infrastructure architects •System Operators •Software engineers •Application architects Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have 2 years networking experience and 2–5 years AWS experience. In addition, attendees should have a working understanding of: •Business networking, including routing technology, IP addressing, and network security •Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) •Networking standards •Protocol standards •Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model •Network access control list (network ACL) •Switching protocols •Domain Name System (DNS) •Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) Course outline: Module 1: Understanding Connectivity Concepts: •Summarize multi-tier architecture, high availability, and hybrid networks at a basic level. •Describe benefits of multi-tier architecture and multiple virtual private clouds (VPCs). •Describe benefits of high availability in networking. •Describe benefits of a consistent high-performance network. Module 2: Understanding AWS Network Service Offerings: •Describe egress and ingress. •Describe benefits of select AWS network connectivity options including VPC endpoints, VPC peering, and AWS PrivateLink. •Describe benefits of AWS Direct Connect. •Describe benefits of AWS Site-to-Site VPN and AWS Client VPN. •Choose the correct network service for the given use case or scenario. Module 3: Exploring Design Patterns: •Understand design patterns and potential use cases. •Relate hub-and-spoke design patterns to applicable use cases. •Relate hybrid patterns to applicable use cases. •Relate hierarchical and modular patterns to applicable use cases. Module 4: Check Your Understanding: •Recall information from previous modules through interactive knowledge checks. Course Summary: • Summarize key networking concepts learned in this course. • Identify resources to further learning.


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