AWS Managed Services (AMS): Application Onboarding

The AWS Managed Services (AMS) application onboarding process is used to plan and deploy applications and resources into your AMS managed account. Following AWS application and infrastructure design best practices helps in hosting capable and operable applications in your AMS environment. This course describes how to plan and onboard your application in AMS. Intended Audience: This course is intended for: •Partners •Customers Course Objectives: In this course, you will learn how to: •Complete the two phases of the application onboarding process •Document your application requirements for AMS •Know when to use the three application deployment types Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites: •A basic understanding of AMS concepts, including provisioning, requests for change, and change types Delivery Method: This course is delivered through: •Digital training Duration: 1 Hour Course Outline: This course covers the following concepts: •Key terms •Phases of the application onboarding process •How to document application requirements for AMS •Application deployment types


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