AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Managing Services

By the end of this course, you will be able to manage your AWS Free Tier services when approaching usage limits and develop the ability to select your transition path out of AWS Free Tier. You will also be able to make informed decisions when choosing to either terminate a service or continue using a service and transition to a paid tier. For foundational knowledge about AWS Free Tier, register for the AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Offerings and AWS Free Tier: Introduction to Monitoring Services courses. For more information about cloud economic principles, register for the Introduction to AWS Billing and Cost Management course. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 10 minutes Activities This course includes demonstrations, videos, and reading text. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Manage your AWS Free Tier services when approaching usage limits. • Select a transition path out of AWS Free Tier. Intended audience This course is intended for: • Business Cloud Professionals who are cost-conscious and are early in their AWS journey. Prerequisites N/A Course outline Introduction to Managing Your AWS Free Tier Services • How to manage your AWS Free Tier services • Verify your AWS Services Free Tier eligibility • View active AWS resources • Terminate active AWS resources • Transition from free to paid services • AWS pricing models • AWS Pricing Calculator • Cost Explorer • Thank You and Feedback


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