AWS Foundations: Cost Management

In this course, you learn about Cloud Financial Management, a set of activities that allows you to successfully manage, optimize, and plan cloud costs. You learn about the six capabilities that are essential for your organization’s Cloud Financial Management journey and the outcomes it helps your organization achieve. Finally, you learn how to baseline and assess your maturity against these capabilities and use them to build your organization’s Cloud Financial Management roadmap. • Course level: Fundamental • Delivery method: Digital training • Duration: 35 minutes Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: • Describe Cloud Financial Management • Identify the six capabilities to have to be successful in your Cloud Financial Management journey • Be able to assess your organization’s maturity against these six capabilities • Explain the phases of building your roadmap for success Intended audience: This course is intended for: • IT business decision makers • Individuals who seek an understanding of Cloud Financial Management Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have: • There are no prerequisites for this course. Course outline: • Introduction to Cloud Financial Management • Capabilities and maturity • Build your roadmap • How we can help


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