AWS Compute Services Overview

Compute services are the backbone that power most web-based applications. They are the foundation on which many Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings are built. This course provides a high-level overview of the three main categories of compute services on AWS: •Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) •Containers, which include Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) •Serverless (AWS Lambda) This course includes a use case scenario to help you learn how to differentiate between the different compute options and how to select the best compute option for a given workload. •Course level: Foundational •Duration: 40 minutes Activities: This course includes interactive lessons and knowledge check questions. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: •Differentiate between the three main categories of AWS compute options: Amazon EC2, containers, and serverless •Select the best compute option for a given workload Intended audience •Cloud architects •DevOps engineers •Operations staff •Developers Prerequisites: We recommend that attendees of this course have reviewed: •AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials or AWS Technical Essentials Course outline: Section 1: AWS Compute Options •Lesson 1: Course Scenario •Course scenario video •Lesson 2: AWS Compute Options •Defining compute •Cloud computing •AWS compute options •Lesson 3: Defining Serverless Computing •What is serverless computing on the AWS Cloud? •Differentiating compute options •Instances: Amazon EC2 •Serverless: Lambda •Containers: Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS Section 2: Selecting the Right Compute Option •Lesson 1: Compute Types and Features •Advantages of each compute type •Amazon EC2 •Containers •Serverless •Lesson 2: Choosing a Compute Option for your Workload •Assessing your workload: Where to begin •Amazon EC2 considerations •Considerations for containers •When to consider containers •When not to use containers •Considerations for serverless applications •Knowledge check •Lesson 3: Additional Compute Options •What else can compute do? •What is a Lambda function? •What is a Step Function? •AWS Batch •AWS Elastic Beanstalk •Amazon Lightsail •How to choose between compute options Section 3: Summary and Additional Resources •Lesson 1: Scenario Summary •Course scenario summary video •Lesson 2: Additional Resources •AWS compute resources •Additional AWS training


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