Installing AWS Outposts Servers

In this course, you will learn how to safely install an AWS Outposts server. You will gain an understanding of what Outposts servers are, how they will be delivered to you, how to set them up at your site, and how to resolve the most common issues during an installation. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 10 minutes Activities: This course includes self-paced lessons and instructional video demonstrations. Course objectives: In this course, you will learn to: • Explain what Outposts servers are. • Prepare your site for an installation of Outposts servers. • Explain safety requirements for installation of Outposts servers. • Perform installation steps. • Troubleshoot potential issues during an installation. Intended audience: This course is intended for: • Outposts customers preparing for an Outposts server installation • Outposts customers performing an Outposts server installation Prerequisites: •None Course outline: • Preparing for an Installation • What are Outposts servers? • Site requirements • Outposts Installer app • Receiving the Server • What comes in the box? • How to retrieve the Nitro Security Key • Performing an Installation • How to install the server in a rack • How to connect the server to power • How to connect the server to a network • Resolving Issues During an Installation • How to troubleshoot installation issues • How to get help


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