Introduction to the Cloud for Clinicians

Course description This course introduces the cloud and describes what it means for your healthcare practice and to you as a clinician. The cloud can reduce the burden of technology on clinicians. They can then focus on delivering care, identifying healthcare needs, managing health at scale, and responding quickly to change. Providers can accelerate innovation, unlock siloed data, and develop personalized care strategies—all while operating securely in a highly regulated industry. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 45 minutes Activities This course includes the following: videos and links to external resources. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to do the following: • Understand the general value of the cloud for clinicians. • Understand how the cloud can reduce administrative overhead. • Understand how the cloud maintains business continuity. • Understand how the cloud protects confidential information. • Understand how the cloud can help clinicians meet stringent regulatory and compliance standards. • Understand how cloud technologies can help drive innovation in healthcare. Intended audience This course is intended for the following people: • Individuals in the Healthcare and Life Sciences (HCLS) industry Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for this course. Course outline Section 1: Introduction • How to Use This Course • Course Overview • Solution Introduction Section 2: Course • Overview of Cloud Benefits • The Cloud in Clinical Practice • Data Security, Privacy, and Ownership • Regulation and Compliance • Maintaining Business Continuity • Innovating in the Cloud Section 3: Summary • Conclusion • Contact Us


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