Deploying Applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Course description This course introduces the student to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk service. This course will outline the capabilities and functionality of Elastic Beanstalk, describe the components and view a simple demonstration of Elastic Beanstalk. • Course level: Fundamental • Duration: 45 minutes Activities This course includes: lessons, scenarios, demos, and knowledge check questions. Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: • Describe the AWS Elastic Beanstalk service and benefits • Identify when to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk • Deploy an application using the AWS Management Console • Monitor and AWS Elastic Beanstalk application • Update and AWS Elastic Beanstalk application • Explain AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment options Intended audience This course is intended for: • Cloud architects • Cloud operators • DevOps engineers Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have: • None Course outline Section 1: • Lesson 1: How to Use This Course • Lesson 2: Course Introduction Section 2: AWS Elastic Beanstalk • Lesson 3: Introduction to AWS Elastic Beanstalk • Lesson 4: Deploying an Application with AWS Elastic Beanstalk • Lesson 5: Planning and Designing an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment Section 3: Wrap-Up • Lesson 6: Course Assessment Lesson 7: Summary • Lesson 8: Additional Resources • Lesson 9: Contact Us


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