Introduction to AWS Media Services by Use Case

Streaming video over the internet has become increasingly important, both for companies whose main business is video, and for other organizations who want to use video to enhance or improve their businesses and services. AWS Media Services make cloud-based video workflows feasible and affordable for organizations of all sizes, across a wide range of industries. But getting started can be challenging—there are many variations in workflows, numerous variables to consider, and new technical skills required. This course will help you sort this out. Using representative real-world examples this course introduces Media Services, explains what they do, and demonstrates which ones would work best for your business needs. The course points you toward the best next steps. After you have completed this course, we provide resources to help guide you to the next right step in your journey. These resources can help you design and build a system. Or, you can engage with an AWS partner or expert for a turnkey solution •Course level: Fundamental •Duration: 60 minutes Activities This course includes self-paced modules Course objectives In this course, you will learn to: •Describe the key stages of cloud-based video streaming workflows. •Describe the main functions and advantages of AWS Media Services. •Recognize readiness factors and requirements that can impact workflow design decisions. •Describe cost optimization, performance monitoring, and well-architected options. •Identify AWS customer enablement options and AWS Partners. •Evaluate which Media Services are most appropriate for different solution types and use cases. Intended audience This course is intended for: •Organizations for whom video is the key part of their business •Organizations using video to augment or enhance their business •Companies evaluating AWS Media Services for their video streaming needs Prerequisites We recommend that attendees of this course have familiarity with basic video streaming concepts. Course outline Module 1: Introduction to Video Streaming on AWS Lesson 1: Introduction •Types of video streaming •Video streaming solution types Lesson 2: Your Readiness Factors •Six readiness factors •Example readiness assessments Lesson 3: Video Streaming Workflow •Overview of the four stages •AWS services for each stage AWS SERVICES FOR EACH STAGE Lesson 4: Stage 1: Ingest •List of AWS services used in the ingest workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service Lesson 5: Stage 2: Process •List of AWS services used in the process workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service Lesson 6: Stage 3: Store •List of AWS services used in the store workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service Lesson 7: Stage 4: Deliver •List of AWS services used in the deliver workflow stage •Main functions and uses of each service •Typical applications for each service ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND SUPPORT Lesson 8: Enhancements •Cost optimization and performance monitoring •Analytics and Machine Learning (ML) Lesson 9: Streaming Media Lens •Streaming media lens •Pillars of the Well-Architected Framework Lesson 10: AWS Customer Enablement •AWS customer enablement services •AWS support plans •Elemental on-premises appliance support •AWS Elemental Media Event Management Lesson 11: AWS Partners •Finding a media and entertainment partner Module 2: Video Streaming on AWS: Examples CUSTOMER EXAMPLES Lesson 1: Basic Live Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Addressing new requirements •Restricting access to specific content •Generating revenue with personalized ads Lesson 2: Large Live Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Restricting access to specific content Lesson 3: Channel Playout and Origination Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services Lesson 4: Basic VOD Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Building a searchable video solution Lesson 5: Large VOD Streaming Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services •Automating workflows Lesson 6: Live-to-VOD Solution •Assessing customer requirements •Selecting the most appropriate AWS services

Streaming video over the internet has become increasingly important, both for companies whose main business is video, and for other organizations who want to use video to enhance or improve their businesses and services. AWS Media Services make cloud-based video workflows feasible and affordable for organizations of all sizes, across a wide range of industries. But getting started can be challenging—there are many variations in workflows, numerous variables to consider, and new technical skills required.

This course will help you sort this out.

Using representative real-world examples this course introduces Media Services, explains what they do, and demonstrates which ones would work best for your business needs.

The course points you toward the best next steps. After you have completed this course, we provide resources to help guide you to the next right step in your journey. These resources can help you design and build a system. Or, you can engage with an AWS partner or expert for a turnkey solution.


      •    Course level: Fundamental

      •    Duration: 45 minutes



This course includes self-paced modules.


Course objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

      • Describe the key stages and the underlying processes involved in cloud-based video workflows.

      • Describe the main functions and uses of the AWS Media Services and recognize their key strengths and differentiators.

      • List some common variables that can impact workflow design decisions.

      • Understand the additional capabilities possible for your video streaming workflows when AWS Media Services are used in combination
        with other AWS services.

      • Evaluate what Media Services options will best fit your target use case.

      • Describe the options to get help creating media solutions in the AWS Cloud.


Intended audience

This course is intended for:

      •    Organizations for whom video is the key part of their business.

      •    Organizations using video to augment or enhance their business.
      •    Companies evaluating AWS Media Services for their video streaming needs.



We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Familiarity with basic video streaming terminology and concepts found in the AWS Digital Training course Video Compression and Delivery


Course outline


Lesson 1: Welcome and Introduction

      •    Challenges of video streaming

      •    What to expect from this course


Lesson 2: First look at customer examples

      •    Live streaming vs. Video-on-Demand (VOD) streaming

      •    Customer examples used throughout the course


Lesson 3: Four stages common to most video workflows

      •    Overview of the four stages

      •    Components of the stages


Lesson 4: How AWS Services Are Used in the Four Stages

      •    List of AWS services used in each workflow stage

      •    Main functions and uses of each service

      •    Typical applications for each service


Lesson 5: Variables that Affect Design Decisions

      •    Six common variables



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