Amazon API Gateway for Serverless Applications

This course provides an overview of AWS security technology, use cases, benefits, and services. The course introduces various services in the AWS Security, Identity, and Compliance service category. By the end of this course, you will gain an understanding about the importance of security in the cloud and be able to identify AWS services that you can use to secure your data. Intended Audience: This course is intended for the following individuals: •IT business-level professionals interested in cloud security practices •Security professionals with minimal working knowledge of AWS •People new to AWS who want to develop an understanding of basic security concepts and services in the cloud Course Objectives: In this course, you learn how to do the following: •Describe security and its importance to AWS •Describe the differences between AWS and on premises when it comes to security •Define the six areas of the security pillar from the AWS Well-Architected framework •Identify and describe AWS services used in identity and access management •Identify and describe AWS services used for detective controls •Identify and describe AWS services used in infrastructure protection •Identify and describe AWS services used in data protection •Describe how incident response is carried out on AWS Prerequisites: None Delivery Method: This course includes presentations, videos, interactive elements, and an assessment. Duration: 3 hours Course Outline: This course covers the following concepts: Section 1: Course Introduction •Overview •On Premises and the AWS Cloud •Security in the AWS Cloud •AWS Well-Architected Framework Section 2: Identity and Access Management •Authentication vs. Authorization •AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for Access Management •Amazon Cognito for Mobile Authentication •AWS Directory Service for User Federation Section 3: Detective Controls •Monitoring Overview •Amazon GuardDuty for Threat Detection •AWS Security Hub for Prioritizing Findings •Amazon Macie for Data Monitoring Section 4: Infrastructure Protection •Securing Your Compute Resources •AWS WAF for Traffic Filtering •AWS Shield for DDoS Protection Section 5: Data Protection •Encryption on AWS •AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) for Key Management •AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) for Securing Communications •AWS Secrets Manager for Credentials Management Section 6: Incident Response •Rethinking Incident Response •AWS Config for Responding to Incidents Section 7: What’s Next •AWS Well-Architected Tool •Next Steps •Course Assessment


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