Docker Commands | Dockers

In our last blog, we talked about Docker architecture, how to install Docker, and the main differences between Containerization vs Virtualization. Here, we are going to dive into and see how to use the Docker in action. Let’s cap up for what we need here, which is the difference between Docker image and Docker container, […]

Your Guide to NoSQL Databases | Data Engineering

One of the major reasons that the era of big data started was the increase in the number of data source and variety of data types that each organization has nowadays, almost any organization has different types of data not only structured data but also it can have unstructured or semi-structured data, and each type […]

Getting Started with Containers & Dockers | Dockers

Introduction Containerization revolutionized the software development and it becomes a common building block in today’s architecture, applications, big data environments, and data engineering applications can be deployed and developed inside containers In this article, we will know more containers and its advantage, and we will discuss Dockers which is a container image that packages all […]

Ultimate Guide to choose the best Chart for your Dashboard | Business Intelligence

Introduction Everyone have a different view to the data, you can extract insights from the data and another one extract different insights from the same data.Also the different audiences have different informational needs, so when you’re building your dashboard ask the decision makers: “What are we trying to extract and know from this analyze to […]

GPT-3, The model simply knows!

Natural Language Processing ( NLP ) has been one of the most challenging areas in deep learning. This is due to several reasons. First, human language is complicated, even for humans themselves!  Consider asking someone about his experience in learning Chinese, for example. Without a doubt, he will tell you that this is difficult. The […]

Aggregation Queries in Apache Hive | Apache Hive

Introduction Data aggregation is the process of gathering and expressing data in a summary to get more information about particular groups based on specific conditions. HiveQL offers several built-in aggregate functions, such as max, min, avg,..etc. It also supports advanced aggregation using keywords such as Variance and Standard Deviation and different types of window functions. […]

Quick Reference to six D’s of the data field

For any professional or beginner in the data field, regardless of your specialty or technology you will work on, you will hear about one or more of the following concepts, and we can say it is absolutely important for any data professional to know at least the general concept of any of the following concepts. […]

Scikit-learn Advanced Features | Data Science

Neither Titanic dataset nor sklearn a new thing for any data scientist but there are some important features in scikit-learn that will make any model pre-processing and tuning easier, to be specific this notebook will cover the following concepts The dataset used in this article can be found in Titanic Dataset Before diving into our […]